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Dan Sullivan

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2005
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Sully, Nice boat congrats and good luck. So how did they setup your batts, in the battery compartment? Did you upgrade your TM Wire Harness?

Wow I just noticed the front Pedastal seat, I want one of those for myself. Does it say Tracker on it?

Thanks guys. Yeah it does say Tracker. I'll get some pics of the battery compartment later today.
WOW!! That is one great looking rig Sully! I dream about a set-up like that most nights. :(
That is a sharp boat!!! Enjoy!!

Do yourself a favor and get some Boat Buckles, they make life a little easier at the ramp.

Bob G.
very nice boat! Iprobably seen your boat a hundred times already since I drive by the plant every day on the way home. My bass fishing partner probably help build it.

Sully ...Very nice I am expecting delivery on the same boat and color in three weeks.
Bob - I was this close (showing about an inch with my fingers) to getting them when I picked her up. My buddy has them for his Triton - VERY convenient.

Chief - Tell him thanks

Whitey - You are going to love it!

Now I can't wait to get it wet!
Nice lookin' rig, Sully! I bought the '05 in blue this past October. Your steering wheel is different than mine. Did you opt for the pedastal seat style, or did it come with the rig, rather than the standard seat with back? Don't forget to get a spare, I just came inside from mounting mine on the trailer. Go catch some fish! :)
Thanks Greg! I got the pro seat in addition to the two others. I have the spare mounted on the other side. Gimme some temps in the 50's and I'm gonna fish my a$$ off!

Did you get the bushing off the pedastal yet? 63 degrees here today, but windy as h&## ! For the spare I picked-up a nice vinyl-coated cable lock deal at BPS a couple of weekends ago. It goes around the trailer and through the spare tire rim spokes. I should get a pic and post it.

Here's a pic of the spare tire cable lock:

Sully - SWWWEEEEETTT Looking boat!!! LOVE that color!!

I agree with Bob G. (oh the horror!!! LOL) I but the boat buckles on my 175 4 years ago and they are AMAZING and going strong!!

Yeah, I got it off. I called Bower's and the tech guy told me to run it under warm water. I unscrewed the base of the seat, took it in the house, and ran the bushing under hot water. Wouldn't ya know. It popped right off.

The cable lock is a good idea. I have a lock on a post but I guess it wouldn't prevent someone from stealing the mount with the tire locked on it.

never thought about the hot water, and glad it worked. The vinyl-coated cable is fairly heavy duty (3/8" dia. I think) and is only about $12.00 at BPS. Like the way the boat color matches your truck! :)


Are the Boat Buckles sturdier/easier to use?
Thanks everyone! Let it be known that a lot of the decisions I made relied on your recommendations that were given when I joined the site. Thank you.

I've packed my partner's boat enough times to know that the buckles are definitely easy to use. They are heavy duty as well. All you have to do is pick up a pair (literally) and you'll know. I'm going to get them up soon.