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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Gas at $4 @ gallon but, GEEEZ!

Are the articles that talk $10 @ gallon really that far off?:eek:

We've doubled in year:(
While I was stationed with the Air Force in England during the early 70's, I saw petrol (gas) at almost $3.50 an imperial gallon. Now I hear they are paying around $8.00 a gallon in Europe. THe cars back then were small and fuel efficient. My Hillman Minx had a 4 cylinder engine, 4 on the column and a 9 gallon gas tank. I wish I could have it now.

Barry from La.
I always thought we were blessed to have gas so inexpensively. However, now I thinked we've gone from blessed to hosed overnight.

Although, it remains a mystery why we have to have so many cars going to the same place with only one passenger.
With demand numbers being revised down, I wonder when the bubble will break. Maybe after Memorial day.
diesel is 4.50+ out here on the left coast :angry:
Hey, it sure beats the $15/gallon Halliburton is charging our troops in many cases IN IRAQ!!!

I informed my employer that if gas hits the $7-10 range, as predicted, I'll have no choice but to resign, go full time with the tackle business, and get a job at Home Depot around the corner by my house. At $4/gallon, it's already costing me almost 20% of my net pay just to travel to and from work. Once it hit's $5/gallon, I'm requesting to go to 4-10 hours days or I may just make the move then. :wacko:
At $10 @ gallon...NO ONE will go anywhere.

I still foresee a trucker strike if it continues.

I'd still go fishing @ $10/gallon......the ramps should be empty!!! :lol:

Bob G.
Luckily I have a 7 mile one way commute to work.

Anyone know how to install a spinnaker and jib sail on a Ranger520?
I saw the price swing from $3.49 to $3.89 in less than a hundred miles coming up from Orlando yesterday. How can there be such a gaping swing within the same state (FL)??? (Other than the dealer/station owner just jacking it up to what the market will bear?) :angry:

Right now less than a mile from where I sit are prices ranging from $3.89 to $4.09....The fartger you go, the more fluctuation!
Isn't the statement correctly written "the fartger you go, the more flatulation?" :wacko::wacko:;)

Now that's an idea...Tox could at least supply all the gas for NTOWS!:lol:
I don't care who you are, that right there was funny! :lol::lol:

The wilder this gas spike gets, a federally regulated control like a public utility is sounding more appealing.

This is going to get really interesting. I see $6.00 a gallon where I travel out of the US, and it looks the same as our $3.50 a gallon gas- Poor people still buy it like it's going out of style. At $10, things here will change a lot. I hope I never see it before we have a reasonable alternative. You thing house prices away from the cities stink now........
Tee - $10/gallon folks will still go places, maybe not as much or as far, but we have enjoyed signifigantly cheaper gas in the US then the rest of the world. (thanks tox for the supply!! LOL!!!!).

Dan - I'm scared at gov't regulation of gas, i've not yet seen any state or federal gov't do a decent job of regulating other consumable resources, we would just add $100s of millions of gov't employees, mess with the free market, and we'll be begging for it to change again.

No easy answer on this one, demand outside the US (India and China for instance) is exploding at a rate the the countries that own the rights (OPEC for example) can charge what they want. You can't regulate non-US companies so putting local/US price fixes will force companies to exit the market in the US, and we'll be in worse trouble. We need to exploit our US resources quicker (Alaska, FL coast...) to show OPEC we are serious about independance, otherwise if you were OPEC why drop the prices on a in demand produce??

Just thinking sideways while sitting in the Shanghai Pudong airport waiting for my flight to Seoul on the way to NY for 2 weeks business.

Can't WAIT To start looking for that V-8 tow vehicle in 6 months!!!


OK WAY too much time on my hands in the airport today!!! LOL Interesting article, its not too deep but makes you think related to most of the strategies being bandied about in the press.