Never and i mean never use your livewell as a trashcan. I have a tale to tell

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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
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I has a flow problem with my livewell that turned into a nightmare today. A guy in my club that i fish with sometimes has a bad habit of throwing cut off fishing line in my livewell. I tell him not to do it and he always manages to while im not looking. I keep a bag in one of my rear compartments for this stuff but he never uses it, in the well it goes. I always clean it before i use it because of this. Well two weeks ago at a tourney i noticed my well wasnt working so good and i looked into it tonight. I ended up having to take out the livewell control valve( a job in itself) and i found about 30 yards of mono inside it. Thats not the best part. The valve i partly buried under the gas tank, its a real pain to get out. After i removed the hose that goes to the transom nd the hose that goes to the well i tried to move the valve a bit to try to get the hose that goes to the livewell drain off. There is no slack in that hose and the hose popped off the livewell end on me as i was trying to move the pump assy off the bracket that holds it. I hardly moved it at all. Come to find out the clamp was all rusted and loose. Well heres the fun part. I cant reach the drain at all to get it back on. i cant reach under the well and i also cant reach around the gas tank. I had to remove all three batteries, my charger, two battery trays and repositon the oil tank so i could unscrew the gas tank and slide it as far nack in the boat as possible. only after i did that could i get to the drain. I got that done, put the tank back in place and gave up for the night, i still have to put all the batts and trays back in etc. All this because someone thinks my livewell is a trashcan. Sorry about the long post i just needed to vent a little. If this guy ever throws line in my well again he is going for a swim.
Wow jim,

A big ordeal! Hope that it goes back together easy for you. Looks like you need to get a more considerate partner.

If he was my "buddy", he'd could sit on the shore. To keep doing it after being asked not to is irresponsible.
I use the center floor cooler on my boat as a makeshift trashcan as well as drink cooler. I never put ice in it because the drain is about 3/4 inch above the floor so it never fully about yucky after a few days!! I just use freezer packs or frozen water bottles. It is not that good of a cooler anyway, ice melts out pretty fast and the "block" frozen water bottles last longer anyway. I also keep my Senko's in there on hot days, makes them last longer.

You can bet the next time your buddy drops line in the livewell he would find it at the end of the day in a very uncomfortable place!!


what a nihtmare. i had to remove my fill pump and that was a chore, i can't imagine getting to the valve.i would save the mono and hand it to him next time you see him and let him know he would never be on the boat again if he throws anything in the livewell again,

HEEEEEY I just had a great idea!!!


Bass fishermen will buy anything and everything.

Jim - That sucks!! I use the rear livewell as a cooler and a trash can, but the drain is plugged and like Toxic I only use frozen water bottles and other ice packs.

Heck, get a trashbox or something with his name on it, and next time you go out hand it to him as you get on the boat and explain what you had to do to the livewell!!
He would never set foot in my boat again!

One of my petpeeve's is to have to do un-necisary(sp) work do to someone else's irresponsibility.

Its harsh but it would serve as a wake up call for mr. num-nuts.

I agree with Wolf. He would not be in my boat again. No more chances.

Rich D
Leave his @$$ on shore from now on. That's just blatant disrespect for your stuff. I too keep a plastic bag in the boat for garbage and often yank other people's trash out of the lake. If someone ever did that, I'd toss them over. I had a guy some time back that was chewing dip. He kept spitting, and I didn't notice until that night that it was all over the back of my boat. In the carpet, on the hull, everywhere. Talk about nasty, and I had to clean it up. I think some of it stained my carpets.

That's also why I don't allow smoking in my boat anymore. A friend was fishing with me and being very careful to get his ashes OUT of the boat, but at some point the wind must have blown one back in and burnt a small hole in my carpet. Now I don't care, NO smoking in my boat. hear that! LOL You need to quit anyway!
Hang on... Now I'm not taking the guy's side here at all. BUT, did you explain to him WHY not to use it as a trash can? I realize you told him not to, and that should be enough, but if he doesn't understand that there are impeller-style pumps in there that can cause the type of problem you experienced, you can give him a LITTLE slack. Of course, my suspicion is that he used it as a trash can in hopes that it would just drain out into the lake, which is just as bad (or worse).

Just remember that just because YOU know, doesn't mean your partner does, that's all.
Wait a minute, wait a minute...You ask him not to use it as a trash can... period. End of discusion. But on the other hand... if you had put him on some fish, the live well would have been full and then he'd have to do like the rest of us and stash his trash under the drivers console...HA!!!
Well hopehully i will have the boat back together tonight. the only good that has come of the whole thing is i did find out my transducer for my fhasher poped loose and needs to be reglued. At least the bad part is over, the rest is just time consuming but easy work.

Mike I shouldnt have to tell someone why I dont want them to do it on MY boat. I own it and make the payments on it. If i dont want something done and request it not be done that should be the end of it, i should not have to explain myself. Regardless if soeone thinks its k anyway if i say no it should be that way period. Its not like he dosent know better, he had owned boats before.
"Did you explain to him WHY not to use it as a trash can?"


Come on Mike,

do you explain to everybody that gets on your boat WHY they should not poop on your console?

Or WHY they should not light your seats on fire?

Or WHY they should not drill holes in the floor?