Need downrigger help

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Carl Meyer

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
I've searched the archives and can't find anything that seems to work for me. I am considering mounting 1 or 2 downriggers on my 04 Pro 175. Anyone have some good ideas? I can't put on side gunwales near back because the bimini top rests there when down. On the back I don't have much room with GPS antenna and rod holder mounts I put in. Is mounting on transom a good idea? Let me know, also any experience with manual vs electric would be good. I fish alot with just my black lab and although he is pretty smart, I think the operation of manual downrigger might be too much, so far not much luck in teaching him to steer either, LOL. Thanks, you guys (and gals) are an awesome resource.
i have manuals and electrics on my boat.while electrics are the ticket,sometimes manuals are the way to go.electrics are sometimes finiky going down,plus if you loose power you stillhave to crank them up,while manuals are simple to mount and relatively low in price to begin with little to no maintance on them.

with your deck design across the back would be the way to go,but putting them out to the sides are the ticket to increase your spread,reducing fubars in your lines.the only bad thing is you would either have to build stancions to mount them to to get them above the deck oryou would be laying down to use them.

i have used cannons,manuals,penn manuals,walker electrics,and big jon electrics,and for my pick big jon electrics,and penn manuals are good,cannon manuals are rated right there also.personally i have big jon electrics with 4ft booms, and cannon manuals with 5 ft telescopic booms all with swivel bases.


Jeff is the expert on downriggers around here. I have two Cannon manuals. I have seen guys make up metal stands for their downrigger bases to get them up off the deck. Just be sure that whatever you "create" it is "rock solid".
Sounds like the metal stands, or pedestals as I've seen them called, are the way to go. Biggest obstacle I see is getting to the area under the deck to mount the screws with a secure baseplate underneath. I think I am leaning toward the manual because the initial cost is alot less. Do you guys think that I may only need 1 with a dual rod mount, or is dual the way to go to explore different depths simultaneously?

Jeff White (Magna 19) is always up on what is for sale on eBay. He might be able to steer you to some deals...
the pedistal mounts are a good thing,but they if used on a single downrigger puts a lot of sterss on the mounting plate or wherever you mount it got to make sure where you mount it to has enough backing area to handle the stress,and use stanless steel mounting hardware with locking nuts,lock washers and a jam nut also.can never be to carefull with the mounting.the backing plate should be as big as space allows,the bigger the better,spreads the stress out over a larger area.

get a pair of riggers,put them out as far as possible to the back and the sides of the boat.the wider the spread,the less chance of fubars(nasty cut the tangle) out of the lines,and less chance of getting into the prop on turns when running shallow rods.dual fod holders are the way to go,allows you to run sliders,or stack the rods,but increases the chance to get the fubars also.wish i got dual holders with my cannons,but the big jons has duals.

the other thing you can do is go to big jons website,they have a track you mount with pedistals to the deck,then mount the riggers to them,the only drawback is that is is permanent,no removing the track,or not sure but cabelas has the same thing or something similar to it.sometimes you have to make custom mounts to fit the boat,i had to,but get them made out of aluminum,or stainless.

are you going to leave them monted permantly or remove them when not in use?the base/pedistal will be there,the rigger can be removed easy and quickly.

ebay has a section for downrigger/outrigger stuff.some good stuff,but be careful on how much you bid.sometimes things go for more than you can buy it in the store what YOU want to pay for it right off the bat,then go from there.

P.T.Barnum once said,there is a sucker born every second! and on ebay there is a LOT!
I'm gonna check out e-bay, thanks for all the advice everyone.