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Dec 8, 2021
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I am looking at trolling motors and fish finders. I am on a budget. Not necessarily going the cheapest route but definitely not the top of line.

Thinking a minn kota maxxus. What are your thoughts? Especially if you are using one.

Also looking at all three of the big names for fish finders. Garmin Striker, Humminbird Helix, and Lorance Hook. I want 7 or 9 inch screens. One for the bow and one at the helm.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you hive, send me your wisdom.

I don't believe Maxxus has spot lock, check for that.
Spot lock actually improved my fishing for the reason that I can stay in one spot without the hassle of tending to the trolling motor constantly.
On windy days it is a frustration healer.
My vote is a trolling motor with spot lock at the minimum.
I don't believe Maxxus has spot lock, check for that.
Spot lock actually improved my fishing for the reason that I can stay in one spot without the hassle of tending to the trolling motor constantly.
On windy days it is a frustration healer.
My vote is a trolling motor with spot lock at the minimum.

Thank you for the insight! I have been looking at fish finders this morning. Settled on the Garmin 9 and 7 inch. I think I am going to hold off on the trolling motor for a few months. I definitely will look into a spot lock eqquiped motor.
Thank you for the insight! I have been looking at fish finders this morning. Settled on the Garmin 9 and 7 inch. I think I am going to hold off on the trolling motor for a few months. I definitely will look into a spot lock eqquiped motor.
You can't fish with out a trolling motor, but you can fish without a graph. Just saying
That is true. The one I have will get me by for a few months. What trolling motor are you running? Do you like it?
I have a Ultrix 36V The best thing that I have put on my boat. I have had many before which was supposed to be the latest and greatest none can compare to that MinKota . I have duel power poles and that was a second to the trolling motor. I am a Lowrance guy, I have had Garmin but for user friendly and for picture the Lowrance is hard to beat and not as pricey. By todays standard there all good.
I have Ultrex 112lbs. 36 volts with ilink and remote. It's on a 2019 Z20. It came with Humminbird 9 and 10 with Chirp and Mega imaging. Always been a bird fan so it was a no brainer for me.

Coming from a Motorguide cable steer to the Ultrex with spot lock was night and day for me.
I have a Ultrix 36V The best thing that I have put on my boat. I have had many before which was supposed to be the latest and greatest none can compare to that MinKota . I have duel power poles and that was a second to the trolling motor. I am a Lowrance guy, I have had Garmin but for user friendly and for picture the Lowrance is hard to beat and not as pricey. By todays standard there all good.
Thank you for the insight!
Where in Florida are you located? I am a Florida boy. Okeechobee is where I graduated high school. Lived all over. My dad was a Trooper and then worked for FPL.
I have Ultrex 112lbs. 36 volts with ilink and remote. It's on a 2019 Z20. It came with Humminbird 9 and 10 with Chirp and Mega imaging. Always been a bird fan so it was a no brainer for me.

Coming from a Motorguide cable steer to the Ultrex with spot lock was night and day for me.
Thank you Andre! I am sold on MinnKota. I will be buying one of their products.
Thank you for the insight!
Where in Florida are you located? I am a Florida boy. Okeechobee is where I graduated high school. Lived all over. My dad was a Trooper and then worked for FPL.
I live in Spring Hill it's on the west coast north of Tampa. Lake O is my favorite lake to fish.
I live in Spring Hill it's on the west coast north of Tampa. Lake O is my favorite lake to fish.
I am hoping to have my rig ready to roll in a few days to fish Okee. My dad is 87 and has hung up his reels and gave his boat to my nephew. He is a little unsteady on his feet and he gave it up. I want to take him out as much as I can before I won't be able to. Bass fishing was a the great peacemaker between him and I. I am really looking forward to going. Plus there are some places I want to see again.
I am hoping to have my rig ready to roll in a few days to fish Okee. My dad is 87 and has hung up his reels and gave his boat to my nephew. He is a little unsteady on his feet and he gave it up. I want to take him out as much as I can before I won't be able to. Bass fishing was a the great peacemaker between him and I. I am really looking forward to going. Plus there are some places I want to see again.

I am sure your dad would love to go while he still can and just for the two of you together. The Big O has changed a lot but still a great fishery. I been fishing it since the late 80's.
You must be old like me. I moved to Okee in 1977. Spent the 80's all over the north end down to Moore Haven. Never fished around Clewiston.

Kings bar, Pierce canal, Indian Prairie canal, and Monkey Box. I really want to go to Indian Prairie this trip.
Old is only in the mind 😜I moved here in 82 when I was 32 . So you went out of Okatannie boat ramp off the river north end. I love that end of the lake I fished a lot both south out of Clewiston and north out of Harny Pond. Last time I was at Indian Prairie and Dryers Ditch it had no weeds but that was a 2 years a go. You will have to see for your self how much the lake has changed.
I am looking at trolling motors and fish finders. I am on a budget. Not necessarily going the cheapest route but definitely not the top of line.

Thinking a minn kota maxxus. What are your thoughts? Especially if you are using one.

Also looking at all three of the big names for fish finders. Garmin Striker, Humminbird Helix, and Lorance Hook. I want 7 or 9 inch screens. One for the bow and one at the helm.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you hive, send me your wisdom.

Have an ultrex on Z19, hummingbird 9 and 12. Really is perfect. However, don’t have the 360. Everything I read about the 360 is game changer (an extra $1,500 to buy and install). Not sure how that fits into your budget, but it’s info.
Old is only in the mind 😜I moved here in 82 when I was 32 . So you went out of Okatannie boat ramp off the river north end. I love that end of the lake I fished a lot both south out of Clewiston and north out of Harny Pond. Last time I was at Indian Prairie and Dryers Ditch it had no weeds but that was a 2 years a go. You will have to see for your self how much the lake has changed.
Mostly launched at okeetannie. Indian Prairie ramp and I don't recall where we put in to go to the Momkey Box. I have a lot great memories. My person best was 9.5lbs at Indian Prairie. Just to the right when it opens to the lake headed south. Second cast of the morning on a white spinner bait in 1993 or so. We fished till 2 in the afternoon and not a strike. It was hot as Satan's crotch that day. I sat down in the passenger seat. My dad finally caught a little dink. He unhooked it and through it back like he was spiking a football. Okay let's go.
He would not let me shirt tail him with big fish. I still laugh at that from time to time. He didn't want to give up.