Need a job??? Try Ebay

  • Thread starter Ken Neeley [URL]
  • Start date
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That is TOO FUNNY!! But creative and inventive, at least it might get him some press if the news picks it up!
At least you are still "in the game"... A good attitude will help get you through the day...
Man what a loser! LOL I bet the guy shaves people's eyebrows while they sleep too! Hey, he ought to apply for a management position with Tracker Marine, since he has a boating background.

Dude, you left it wide open there!

Hope you get something going, I know what it's like. Hey, you could always auction off the GPS coordinates to Mini's $#!+ on ebay. I'd give you $20 for them, because that's probably all they're worth now that everyone knows about them.
Hey, Ken.....

It always helps to post a picture of the item you're listing for sale.....

I know where you can get one!

OK I'll admit I didn't read it all the way through the first time - I get it now - Its KEN!!! DOOOH!!!!!
Send it to everyone you know....everyone start e-mailing it for me and post it on every other board you visit!!! :p
Mr. Neeley,

With Donald's departure, I am looking for an "Apprentice".

Are you available to come east for an "interview"?


Hey Ivanna, when did you change the spelling of your name?

Kenny, let me know if Fox2 calls you.

I sent It to the Ranger Dealer here,,,,, Thought you should move up to a class boat company...JR
Oh! I do that all the time!

It kinda used to keep peace around the house.....

The Donald doesn't want women who are too bright! :lol:

Can't believe no one has made a bid yet? Maybe send it off to Washington or somewhere?:wacko:
Keep spreading the word.....everyone post it on every board you go to!!!
Okay... you are posted on Walleyefirst and Walleyecentral...

I'll post it on BassZone...Just what Oklahoma needs...a Neeley.:lol:


Yeah, when I first read it, I was gonna say something about the idiot that thought the abbreviation for Mississippi was MI, since Oxford is a town in MS :).