My vote is cast

  • Thread starter Gilbert Scales2
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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Left the house at 4:30 this morning, was #9 in line. Get out and vote, NTOWS.

#54 in my district. Took about 45 minutes from the time I walked in until I walked out.

Came to work and they fixed the server :( I was hoping to get ut on St Clair for a bit. High of 70 w/light south winds.....
voted last week, dont know what number i was but im sure it was not first. lets hope this is a trend where more people get involved in every election.

on a side note, i was called last night 7 times again, (2 night in a row), to make sure i vote for a certain person, the first night the last call was a 10:15 pm, last night it came in a 10:27pm.

mike c

I voted and it only took an hour. Some of the polling place in my area were reporting that it would take up to two and a half hours to vote today!

Usually takes me 10 to 15 minutes to vote, I will go after work.
Voted before work. Took about 30-40 minutes. Not too bad.
Voted with my wife last Thursday (we have a 2 week Early Voting period in Texas). Was going to wait till today, but she wanted to get it done.

I'll be up this evening, watching intently. I watch the returns/results pretty closely.

If you have'nt voted yet, get out and git it done.

Once my wife got past all the greeters at the front door, small town USA, took about 5 minutes tops.
I stopped after work. I left my truck running outside as I went in. No waiting in my little town.:)

Took me about three minutes in and out. Not huge lines in a town of 500 when everyone is out picking corn.

I got there about 6:20am this morning, was about 30th in line, opened at 7am, 10 machines, out at 7:10am. Beka went around 10am after a PTA meeting and had no line.

I don't understand the media, all of them are reporting one candidate or another winning (a state or national race) with 1 or 2 % of the precincts reporting, how stupid is that??
Can Katie Curic where anymore mascara???? GGGEEEEEEEEEEZZZZEEEEEE!
Nancy came home from work about 3:00p.m. and picked me up to go vote. It was quite busy but the workers there were very fast and efficient and we were both done in no longer than 15 minutes. When Nancy went to work at 7:40 a.m. she told me the line was almost completely around the school. A pretty big school too.

Except for the Presidential race I stuck to me guns and voted against every incumbent. We also had a referendum about allowing slot machines State wide and I also voted nay to that!

I don't understand the early voting thing? There's is already an absentee voters law so why, as Texas says,
we have a 2 week Early Voting period in Texas
or like what Mike C. said,
voted last week
is any of this early voting needed or necessary or just a more convenient way for Americans to vote?? I'm not railing on anyone I just don't understand all of that.

Uncle Billy

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