My son receives his orders earlier then planned.,

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
My son has received orders early. He was the only one in his unit .He was the only one to qualify and that has the security clearance needed. He has been in the 90+ percential in is field sense he started school . He leaves in or around 4to6 weeks.

I can't really say to much and he can't tell me much. He doesn't know for sure how long he'll be there either. It will be on of the to theaters though. It is a great opportunity for him.

So the next time you raise your glasses gentleman please toast to him and all who have gone before him and those who will follow him. Salute !!

A successful and safe deployment and Semper Fi to all you jarheads out there!
Thank him for me. I'll pray for him and all the others. If you see a serviceman or woman, stop and thank them



You know how much each of us here who have met and spent time with Mike care for and respect him... I feel like I have a small personal stake in him because I do know him personally... So, pass on to him our concerns and especially our pride... And, finally, as a brother he goes down this road with true comrades in arms.... He is one of the finest.... One of ours... Godspeed.
Keep us updated Mark. Good luck,and we'll be waiting for a safe return soon.

I just did toast him Mark, and will a couple of more times before the nights over. Tell him to C.Y.A. and thanks....and please be as careful as possible.

Uncle Billy
As Greg said......

Give the young Sheephead a pat on the head from me, and I will pray for him as well!!!:)

Pass on our best wishes for Mike. He will be in our thoughts and prayers until he safely comes home. And BTW, thank him for me.

I wanted to thank all of you for you kind words and prayers I know they come from the heart.

For those dad's who have or are now going throw the same thing my hats of to you ,because it's a tough deal.

Though one I would not trade . Nor would my son. SIMPER FI

