My son LCPL. GROSS USMC is getting married !!

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
:wub: Mike is getting ready to marry his high school sweetheart.

He'll be returning home on AUG. 23 from 29 palms for the last time ! He has a thirty day leave and then will have to return to Camp Pendleton.

The wedding is the 27th of AUG. were looking at around 225 people attending.(glad he's not MY daughter.) We have a Navy Chaplin performing the service.

I'd like to invite everybody on the board. I realize that the possibility of that happening is not possible but don't say I never invited you !

Those of you who have met me or my son know's what kind of MARINE as well as man he is.

however if you think you can make it e-mail me.

Mike is marring a young lady named LEAH who has two of here four years in as a nurse.She would like to do hospice care for the terminally ill when finished. Iwill post wedding pic's.

She will attend San Diego State as soon as they can get housing at Camp Pendleton.

Mike went to school with Leah's older brother(Jeff) a 2nd degree black belt .Mike signed him up last year while he was back here on temp. assignment four 4 wks. He's now Recon.and shipping out in Sept. a good man. Her other brother is a deputy sheriff . That's what stopped the boy form asking her out and only remained friends , But it didn't stop the Marine from asking her out when he was home 6 month's ago .Her brother happened to be home at the same time , I think Mike pulled rank on him I'm not sure.

By the way it turned out she felt the same way about Mike as well .

Simper Fi

Congrat's to the young sheephead, and may they make lots of minnows for Grandpa to play with!!!
I hadn't thought about the gandpa think at all...hopefully they take their time,,like a couple of years. My youngest is still only three!! :lol:
Congradulations to the young marine and his future wife. Being a military wife she's in for some really great experiences. :D:D
Gross - That is GREAT News! Tell the happy couple Mazel Tov from us!!!
Congrats.......I know your happy for him..Those little Grandkids are really fun..Believe me you won't regret It...JR
Tell him if the Marine Corp wanted him to have a wife they'd have issued him one. Just kidding.

Tell him congrats.


There is nothing I would like to do more than congratulate him and his new wife in person... But, duty calls me... I am signed up for a partner tournament on the 28th... But, I will be there in spirit with my fellow Marine and his family and friends...

God Bless them both...

Hope you are getting better...
Tell him if the Marine Corp wanted him to have a wife they'd have issued him one. Just kidding.

Tell him congrats.

Thanks guy's I'll pass on to Mike all of your congradulations and best wish's .

FATRAP, that's a good one, I'll have to tell Mike that when I call him next..:lol:

Greg Meyer, Thank you sir I know you will be .;)

MAC, :cool:
If Tex and I weren't flying to Canada on the 27th AND we were closer, it would COOL to see and we could all show up in Fishing attire and give the couple a 21 Lure Salute!!!

Please pass onto the Devil Dog my heartflet congratulations!!!

Sword arch in the works????

I will not be able to make it due to me going TAD at the time. Sorry mark.


I am hoping to get that together but were do I find the Marines to do it ?

Mike said I can't ask the recuiting Sgt's because they can polish of a keg themselves .

and after that it's anyones guess !:lol:

Well Mark... If I was half the man that I am... I might fit intio an old uniform... And, I am afraid I don't have a sword anymore... Unless you have a Reserve Unit close it might not be possible...

But, I do think you can get a properly attired cake top in full dress blues.... And, any DJ you hire ought to have available a copy of the Hymn...
Thanks for the thought Greg . :lol: I still may be able to pull something off.
