My second son joins the U.S.M.C.

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
My son Matthew Mike's next younger brother signed up for the Corp last Friday. He has always followed his brothers leaad so it wasn't that big of a surpise to me.He is already sworn in and leaves for San Diego on July 12th. That was as soon as he could go there a little backed up right now.He will use the time to run and work - out. He's been doing a good job at both.Needless to say I 'm proud of the decision he has made.

We are proud of him too and wish him the best of luck. I hope it turns out to be a great move for him.
Continued thanks for your family's dedication to the defense and well being of our country. I am proud to know that there are many kid's today, that have been raised with good solid upbringings, and parents that guide them well.

Thanks for letting us know.

Congrats! You are a good man to raise two sons with asperations like that. Thank you and them for providing me my freedom!

Tell him thanks from all of us! One thing for certain, I'll always remember when he went in. That's my wifes birthday AND the day I got out of the Army:)


Please pass on to him my most sincere pride in my friend's sons. And, it will be my pleasure to welcome a second gross into the Corps.

WOWo too cool Mark!!! Congrats in having two sons in the Corps.

What MOS/OCC field he ask for?

CArlos heart is filled with pride!!!

Go get 'em, young sheepheads!!!

My only regret is not joining the Marines. Best of luck to both your boys. Put up a flag pole if you do not already have one, and fly Old Glory in their honor.
Darn, Mark, the USMC ought to pay you a bonus!

Thumbs Up to both your boys!
Thank you all for your kind words and thank you's , I have past them on to my son.

My heart is filled with pride by the decisions my sons have made this past year. They both realize it will not be easy, but when was doing the right thing ever easy ?

It seems like only yesterday we were walking through the mall holding there hands and making fun of the people with body piercings and differant color hair or laughing at the people who think murderers and rapists can be taught to live in society and be productive citizins again.Or that God does not have a place in are society anymore.

Oh well we still have 5 left to keep use busy!


Oh well