My Reservation is Made !!

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Well, I'll be danged!! The Beaver Lk. FLW is April 1-3rd.

KY Lk. is in May!! I just MIGHT be able to make the Rally!

Depends on what my schedule will be for some other sponsors,..but as of now,..I have that weekend open!!

Holy cow!! watch out! now i need to get my reservation in....need to start buttering up the wife..anyone wanna room with a bad snoaring problem?? I mean i can make the windows rattle!
Oh fine, I post I have my reservation and only me! get's excited. Teri posts and Mac and DonJovi jump in.

Well, well, well. I guess I'll enjoy the homebrew all by my self!!!

Teri - Which cabin did you get or are you in the lodge?
Trep, you BLAME us for cryin out loud??...If it makes you feel better,..we'll let you clean our fish for us!! LOL!!!!
OK, figured rooms were going fast so a friend and I are in the Lodge...had a great time last year!

Oh the pressure.....You guys are going to be really disappointed when you meet me in person. Aint nothing special but I do enjoy myself no matter what. So if anything, I'll promise a little fun.
I reserved cabin 5. Guess my Jack Russels will be making the trip.
Now I need to bring Elvis (bloodhound) and Berkley (german shepherd) so they can hook up with Teri's dogs......naaa Elvis would slobber them to death!
Wait until you see them in their life jackets!!! Your dogs would eat my dogs or my dogs would bite their ankles to death.
Mac - I'll clean if you provide the beer!!! Good stuff too please! LOL

Teri my dogs are babies, they would probally just run away. I need to get them into the boat sometime and see how they act.
Snow's probably on the phone with the Moors begging to be in cabin 4 or 6...LOL

"Does cabin 4 have a window facing cabin 5?"

Just kidding,


I already booked cabins 4 and 6!!! Just kidding!

Trep, here's a newsflash for ya... Teri is a lot prettier than you!! And can probably outfish you too!! LOL! Just razzin' ya Trep!

Bob G.
Dang, Mac! You make it down and I'll buy you a brand new box of 64 Crayolas! Bring Marke, Ken, Craig and Cathy with you, too, will ya!

This is gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey! Mike Snow!

If you come.....

You gotta bring Mrs. Snow!

For your own good, you understand!

And for Teri's protection, of course!


I could use some make-up tips!

Don't get your hopes up...I'm not promising anything (I will donate a few prizes though!!), but I'm not committing to attend until I know my schedule from "that other company"...and that will take priority over the Rally,.....sorry,'s a business priority!!! I'll know more later.
Hey Staci... Just don't go getting any make=up tips from Tammy Faye Baker... Remember the old joke that they stripped off her make-up and found Jimmy Hoffa!... She used Krylon instead of May Kay!

The 5 "Queer Guys" woulda run from her for their lives!

She used more make-up than a drag queen in Las Vegas!

Morticians use less on their clients!
Oh Staci, you know that the Fab 5 would not go near that woman, not even they could give her a make over. I need a new image in my head for the day, just reading about Tammy Faye gives me the willies. Yuck!

Me! did you forget about Mini ?

If Mini and Mac show-up I wouldn't be to far behind.

Although the time and distance is a big factor I could probably over come it one way or the other.

I couldn't stand being the only one not at the party ! LOL
Bob G - I'll take my lessons from ANYONE anytime on getting more fish in the boat! No harm no foul!!

Staci/Cass - Did you see the Tammy Fae is on the new reality show Sureal Life with Ron Jeremy!! What a hoot, a fallen ministers wife and a fallen porn star!!
Don't pack yet Mark,..I doubt I'll be there,...and I doubt even more that Mini would go....he'll still be doin' shows and he's working for All Star full time now!!
Trep, awwww dang I missed that one, shux. {stompin, kicking feet}

Hope she wasn't giving out make up tips. I would be willing to bet that when she orders foundation she orders it by the gallon.
That's great news for Mini. Tell him I said congradulations.

Rep'en can be alot of hard work but a lot of fun doing it.And being single really helps.I guess I'm going to be buying more All*Star rods with Mini and you both working for them.hahaha

I'll still pack it but leave it in the closet I may still need it for Mi. lol
You deffinitely need to come over again in June!! The fishing's a lot better and we can get'em close!! Don't have to make monster runs like we do in the fall!! Plus the "scenery" is a lot better in the summer,...LOL problem,....we have a bunch of weekends in Michigan,...usually at the end of every week!! We'll work ya in!!