Mr. Bimini - Trepman

  • Thread starter Richard Whittemore
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Richard Whittemore

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2003
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What material is your top made of????

Vinyl or acrylic.

If you have a preference, where is it? Is one more durable than the other.

Passed through your part of the state this A.M. on I75, thought about calling but then thought you might be at work or wetting a line.

I have to comment on this one!! Trep works at home in his jammies!! Yea, I'm jealous Trep! I know if I worked at home, I wouldn't get anything accomplished cause I would always find something better to do!! Like hunt and fish!

Bob G.
Hey Bob G.! I think I'm a little upset too. Makes his own beer, gets weeks to himself with the wife away, now he works at home! Can get snockered and never leave the farm! What a life! Reckon we could get on his payroll? I'm semi-retired and I still can't work at home 'cept for cutting the grass, etc.

I was born a raised in Rutland! When ever I go back to Vermont, I try to get 2 or 3 days of trout fihing in. I love trout fishing more than anything I think. I park my truck and walk up Shrewsbury to fish the North branch of Cold Water creek. Or I just go up to Chittenden Dam and fish the bridge off Wildcat RD.

As a kid we used to fish Champlain at White's landing. Do you know it?

I plan on going up next summer.

Milton is a pretty fair piece north of Rutland. BBrrrr in the winter.


I have never fished Champlain that far south. I fish the northern section. If you ever get up this way, give me some notice and maybe we can get some bass fishing in up here. I travel to Rupert, VT all of the time - 110 miles one way. I have a small lot there with a camper on it that I use for hunting. Hoping for a camp next year. I drive by Lake St. Catherine and Lake Bomoseen all of the time, have you ever fished these lakes? St. Catherine is only 15 or so miles from my camper.

Trep can fish all year in Georgia, except I don't see too many fishing reports!! Maybe there's no bass there!!

Bob G.
Richard - You should have called, only Trepper in the book in Georgia! Wife and Kids got back around 4pm, so I was home. Actualy showered and got DRESSED on Friday, didn't do that MUCH for 10 days!! Yup just as Bob said, worked in my jammies!!!

Bob - My wife tried it years ago and could NOT focus, and kept watching Oprah!!! LOL

I have an office up stairs in the guest room and except when the kids are not home, work up their so i'm at "Work". I find I put in more hours since after the boys go to bed, i'm usualy back on-line working for a few hours each evening. Heck I planned to hit the water for one last trip Thurs pm and had a take a customer call from 6:30pm - 7:30pm on my cell in the boat!! Not a bad deal, mind you. I count myself VERY lucky that a previous boss found me 3 years ago and offered me a work-at-home job with IBM, wouldn't trade it for a LOT more $$. In fact, I turned down a considerable amount of $$ to work from home, instead of being required to commutte 1 hour or more each way and have "office hours" of at least 9am - 6pm or later, so i'd NEVER see the kids at night!

Don't get to fish as often as I'd like, though with my luck the 10 days she was gone, it didn't matter!!! LOL

Richard - I LOVE to trout fish here on the Chattoochie, which is where Rich Stern and I fished on Sat! Heck if it doesn't rain in the morning, my boys and I are taking the tracker out for trout!

Oh, and my top is VINYL, i've seen them also in Acrylic which I believe is more expensive. For me, at less then $150 delivered to my door i'll be happy with VINYL for a few years, and if it doesn't hold up then get a new boat!!! LOL
Thanks for the info guys.

I just got back from a weekend of lookin' at lake lots on lake sinclair in mid-ga. Found some they were proud of but nothing I was really interested in. The search continues.

Vinyl it is. I'm really not sure about acrylic anyway.

Let's do the Chatahochie (sp) Trepper!

Richard - Bring it on Big Dog!!! Took the boys out for about 1 hour till a BIG storm blew thru and got off the water JUST as it hit!! Took out the power all around the area of the ramp! Hooch was VERY muddy, each boy got one good trout while we where in though!

Let's wait till I get back from my Canada trip (leaving Sat 8/16 comming back late on 8/24), and my Mom is visiting for my birthday the weekend of 9/7, but we'll hook up in Sept or Oct for some time on the Hooch if our calenders match up. leave your 175 home, the ProCrappie is perfect for the river!


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