Movin On!

  • Thread starter Richard Ehlers (SevenPin)
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Richard Ehlers (SevenPin)

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Avon, Indiana
Well, it's almost official - I'll be starting my new job in South Carolina August 20th (or there-abouts :D) Probably going house hunting the week of July 16th. I can't believe I did this :eek:

SevenPin, you moving in next to CJ??? He just moved down from Jersey!

See Tex, you leave SC and everyone moves in!!! LOL

Hows the dock coming?

If the South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce had known there was going to be such a population boom as soon as Tex left, they would have run him out of town a long time ago.

Thanks TEE. Sure wish we could've got together and tried to catch a few at Ceasar's Creek.

Tex - Since I'll be working near Big Allison Creek on Lake Wylie, we'll be looking in the York, Clover, Fort Mill, and Rock Hill Areas. We are hoping to find something with 3 bedrooms, 2-car (or more) garage and 1 or more acres. That probably puts us "out" in the country somewhere.

Trepper - Thanks man. I'm planning on meeting Chris when we are down there house hunting. It will be nice to talk to someone who has "recently" moved into the area.

Thanks All! So much for having a peaceful Summer :eek::lol:

Look out everybody !

The Bowling Ball is rolling south to knock down a few pins !


Peace out bud and good luck....maybe will can still hook up at Dale sometime.

With a trailer there now, I should be making quite a few trips.
Too Funny Pin, Tex just MOVED from Rock Hill!!!

Good luck. I tried it down there for 2 months and couldn't do it. In MARCH it was in the 90's.....MARCH:eek:

What is it like now??? I don't even want to know. My brother can stay there, I'll visit when the lava cools.
" I'll visit when the lava cools..."

That was funny...:lol:

So Rob, what are you doing now... Somebody said you were back upstate...

How's the family doing?
I'm bettin' that you will be working for Duke, as there aint' too much there off of Big Allison, other than the big water heater place.

And regarding other 'shots' taken at us Southern Boys - not unusual to hear lightweights from the North complaining about a little heat. You know what they say, 'can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen'. That quote works on a lot of different fronts, now don't it.

Or as we say down here in Texas, the highway runs both directions.

That's right Tex. I'll be in the Engineering group helping to support all three of Duke's nuclear stations.

Heat shouldn't be too bad. We have some scorchers here in Cincy. Just give me a slight breeze and a jug of sweet tea and I'll be all set :D I can't wait to go out in my Tracker and fish in January with a Spring Jacket on. :lol:

Ahhh, that's the life!!! :wub:


What you will find is that the humidity and temperature there where you are going is quite nice. Get's in the low 90's 'some' during the summer, but not that bad at all. Further south, in Columbia, it get's quite a bit hotter - and drier.

I really don't know what size/type of house you are looking for, but we lived in Cato Estates off of 161; between India Hook and Twin Lakes. It's a very nice older neighborhood, with both older and newer homes. There are usually one or two for sale there at different times. I know you will have many to choose from.

If you have school age kids, the Ft. Mill school district is rated extremely good. There is quite a bit of building in and around Ft. Mill.

Best of luck. Be sure to let me know where you land. You and Chris should hook up, and he can already tell you about some of the fishing.

I'm from SC.


Don't tell anyone your from above the Mason Dixon line. (No "You's guys"!!! Dead give away.)

Eat boiled peanuts with the boys at the ramp. Buy 5 lbs at the road stand the day before.

Give up the ketchup based BBQ and eat the Bessingers mustard sauce. (BBQ is pork.)

Rice goes with every meal as does grits.

We don't sell 4 lb test line, so don't ask.

Yea it's hot, but we get to fish in Jan with the only ice in our tea.

Buy some snake chaps.

Only tourist swim with the gators. But it is fun to watch a guy in a float tube!

Enjoy. Your going to a better place!!!:D
Thanks Tex. No school age kids - both grown and youngest is finishing up at Univ of Cincinnati. I'll keep Cato estates in mind when we start looking, don't really want a brand new house and / or subdivison. Hoping to find a house out in the country (old Chicago tune :lol:).

Thanks Tee. Yeah look out - The Old Lefthander is looking for a new house :D.

Mike - I agree with most of those. I assume that snake chaps are for the ankles and lower legs to ward off snakes :eek::lol:. Hey, wait a minute - I've got a float tube!!!:eek::eek::eek: - Guess I'd better check for gators before I launch, huh? :lol:

Thanks all.

Hey Seven Pin,

I just found this post, looking foward to meeting you when yo get down here and doing some fishing with you.

Since we moved down in May, we have been through the worst of the heat and actually been through a historic heat wave and still dealing with the drought. If that's the worst heat, I can handle it with no problems, didn't stop me at all. Humidity is not as bad as NJ in the summer.

Mike express is dead on, can't seem to shake the "You guys", it gives me away every time. :lol:

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