Mounting Battery Charger

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Bruce Morgan

Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
I bought a new 2 bank charger for my 97 Nitro 700 lx dc and I am looking for suggestions on mounting it. If I go by the directions that came with the charger... well their isn't a good place to mount it, so I am going to have to fudge on the directions a litte and was wondering what others did to mount their charger.

Pictures would be good if you have them :)

Mine is below the dry locker on the starboard side of the boat (Nitro 896). I don't have an external connector mounted on the fiberglass so I just pull the dry locker insert out and plug it in. You have plenty of cable so you can mount it almost anywhere. Trep might chime in since he has a 700.

Good luck!
I mounted mine in the bilge area on a bulckhead seperating a dry compartment. Works perfect. I hope the picture works.

I also mounted the connector. I drilled the hole in the backsplash; works perfect, looks good.

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On my 97 700XL I mount a three bank guest on the transom, just below the motor if I remember right. First mounted some treated 2x4 the charger to the 2x4's. Probably don't need to but I did for shock absorbsion. then ran the cord out hte same hole as the motoer cables. I have the thru hull fitting but got chicken when it came to to cut a hole in the boat. Worked great for seven years, sorry no pics sold the boat.

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