Mercury cutting out problem

  • Thread starter Timothy Bouvier
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May 4, 2005
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I have a 225 optimax on my Nitro 911, tried to take it out after sitting all last winter. Launched from the trailor, it fired up, idle with the motor trimmed up. Let it run for ten-fifteen minutes, then trimmed motor down, and it acted like it was not getting gas, and spit and sputtered then quit. Press the primer bulb, it would fire, but not stay running. Trimmed the motor up, and fired back up and it stayed idling. Any help out there?? Gas is ethanol and 6-8 months old. Acts like a line is getting pinched, when you tilt the motor down to take off. Thanks in advance!!
you could have bad fuel? check for this by hooking up your fuel line to an external tank with fresh fuel.

also check for fuel leaks under the cowling by watching the motor run with the cowling off. if you had a ball i would tell you to squeeze and watch for leaks but i think the optimax requires no ball as the fuel pump is self primeing.
You'll have to do the following. I'm also going to assume the fuel was not stabilized prior to shut-down. E-10 has a shelf life of approx 15 days. Treated, about 6 months. After that it's a crap-shoot.

-1] Drain ALL the fuel. Tank and motor. Re-cycle properly.

-2] Flush system with a couple of gallons, then take a sample. Drain, re-cycle properly.

-3] Change all fuel filters.

-4] Change fuel line, primer bulb, and pulse pump.

-5] Mix up about 3 gallons of fuel with 3oz Sea-Foam, and run it through your fuel system.

Hopefully, there are no issues with the direct injectors, fuel pumps, etc. I would strongly recommend it be looked at prior to any further use. All it takes is for it to be "lean" at the right time and you risk loosing your powerhead. Fuel pressure, volume, and good quality fuel is a necessity. ;)
Thanks for the replies. I did treat it w/ Marine Stabil before putting the boat up last fall. I called the boat shop, and it is now there-Thanks for all the tips and fast help!!