Marine update.(sorry read post inside)

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Mike made Pvt.1st class and recieved a meritorious accomodation for helping some civilian who was having diebetic shock on the parade ground after in event.still healing and on light duty.

Matt goes in on July 24th and found two of his fiends that wanted to join ,so he was able to sign them up under him.H will graduate as a Pvt. 1st class.

Needless to say I'm very proud of them and their desire to serve.

Hey Carlos! Speaking of sniper training, a buddy of mine, A.B. Childrey, met you a while back in Macon during a session you taught for his S.W.A.T. team. He wanted me to tell you hello and he read the books you recomended and thought they were "AWESOME", especially your dad's. Small world, huh?!

P.S. Mark, tell your sons Great Job and Thank You!!!

A meritorious promotion!! That is AWSOME man!! HArd chargers for sure!!!! Please pass on my congrats to them also. Fine job!!

Dan, I think that you are talking about my dad. I have not taught in Macon. I pretty much stick to "fundamantal" marksmanship. The sniper training was dads forte. I will be sure to pass this onto my mom though, thanks!

Carlos,...when you and Tox come out this fall,...we're going to make time to go to the range (it's only 2-3 miles from my house) so you can give me some pointers!! I shoot a very tight group now, but that doesn't mean I'm fundamentally correct!! To get fine-tuned by a Hathcock is a "priceless" opportunity and I plan on GITNER-DONE!!!!

ahahahahaha.....Then we'll come back to my house for steaks, beers and a THAT's Espirit de Corps!!

(The best part about it,...the rest of the guys up and down the line won't have a clue that the "Yoda of the 10-ring" is in the house...standing right behind ME!!!...ahahahha)

I'll do everything I can to get my Bro home that weekend too...he'd have a riot hanging out with us...not to mention meeting you too!! We'll be in touch..



I hope that we can make it to the range. Want me to bring some "fun" with us?

I do like to shoot and also to teach shooting. I may have a pointer or two for ya!!! Would be cool to meet your brother also and have a few steaks and beers!!!!

SWEEET!!!!...I'd love to see and hold one of your Dad's old "tools of the trade" if you have one,...heck yeah,...bring it!! I've got a Remington 700 in .223 that's a real tack driver and my Weatherby .270Mag.....those are my two fav's!! I could use a little instruction with my .9mm too....

I grill one helluva steak and between all of us...we'll dent the herd!! LOL Can't wait!!!

Naw,'ll just be the kid brother that tags along.....ahahahahahahaha

Congrats on the young Sheephead's accomplishments.


Make sure you count me in on the range time, Big Dog.

Where's everyone staying? Got room at my place if anyone needs it.
Details, details....We don't even have a specific date let alone lodging. I can see it now, I get pulled over with enough hardware to overrun a small country (I've seen Carlos' "collection") and I tell the officer..."we are going to the range" oh yeah.....LOL!!

Neeley, I would be very disappointed if you weren't there!! You too mini, and Marke and the rest of the Michigan Mafia....

Since I'm gonna be givin fishing lessons y'all might as well come!!bwhaaaaa!!


I am very pleased to see that he is performing "as expected"... Awesome, absolutely awesome.... I have nothing but absolute confidence that he is headed in the "very right" direction