Need a Butt seat post for my 2021 Z19 Sport

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2021
Reaction score
Finger Lakes
Looking for a threaded butt seat post that will fit my 2021 Z19 Sport. All I'm finding is straight post no threads to base as what comes with the Z19 Sport. The post that came with the boat is very short and made for the full seat. When I sit down I'm leaning back too much and would like to be more up right and higher. Has anyone found a post that is threaded?
Looking for a threaded butt seat post that will fit my 2021 Z19 Sport. All I'm finding is straight post no threads to base as what comes with the Z19 Sport. The post that came with the boat is very short and made for the full seat. When I sit down I'm leaning back too much and would like to be more up right and higher. Has anyone found a post that is threaded?
Thank you all for the information. Will now have to see if all threaded posts are a standard one size thread and will fit my Nitro Z19 Sport. Got three solid posts to pick from.
I went with the 15" - 18" Swivl-Eze locking pedestal post. Once the Swivl-Eze spring loaded base and a seat is put on it will be in my height range. Thanks for the help.