After a few months now of pondering Ron Paul, Obama, Ron Paul, I've come to my decision after about 3 final hours of due dilligence and research. My decision boiled down to whether I thought McCain and his economic policies were enough of a threat to this country, myself, my job, and ultimately, my family to over-ride my my desire of a good showing for a "third party", even though Paul is still a Republican FOR NOW. I could care less about guns, abortion, and creationism. I had pages upon pages open on the net cross-referencing voting records, right views, left views, trying to sort out the bull from fact. In the end, I found that the McCain economic policies do look like more of the same, or worse. I hate to use the Obama slogan, but it is. Varying reports peg the McCain tax cuts at a cost of $600 billion(McCain's estimate) to $3.3 trillion by the left. As always, the truth is somewhere in between. His "tax cut" for us is just extending the Bush plan indefinetly, nothing additional! Obama's plan is pegged between $81 billion and $500 billion. The big difference I found is that McCain plans on paying for his cuts by eliminating earmarks. Well, earmarks for fiscal year 2008 only totaled $17 billion, leaving a $583 billion deficit shortfall. He has other little cuts here and there, but the nowhere near cover even half the cost of the tax cuts for rich and corporations. Obama plans on paying for his plan by taxing corporations and upper incomes at a higher rate, which pays for the plan right there. 95% of us get a tax cut, even after he repeals Bush's plan and it resets to Clinton levels. PLUS closing about $1 trillion in corporate loopholes, and increasing the capitol gains tax, which definitely calms the energy speculators as an added bonus. And for you SENIORS. ZERO tax under $50,000. I've never been a fan of trickle down. It does work, but only in a prospering eocnomy to spur reinvestment and to hold back inflation. In times like this, you could give corporations and the rich ZERO taxes and it won't do much of squat! Why invest when nobody has any money to buy your product? It hasn't worked since Reagan, didn't work for Bush sr, and SURE AS HELL hasn't worked for jr. You have to put money in the hands of consumers, of the low and middle income to spur purchases and consumer confidence. Think about it. When were the only bright spots in our economy under Bush? When he gave tax rebates to the consumers!!!!! The corporate tax breaks didn't do squat, and McCain's won't either!! They have their place, but it isn't now.
As you can guess, I'm commited to voting Obama now. Donated $100 last night and waiting for my stickers and signs.
Sorry, guys, but like I said, I did my research and I'm doing what I feel is best for myself and my family. No party or social issues involved.
Here's a totally non-partisan link to help anyoneelse do some research on voting records and rating by interest groups. Best tool out there! I know most here are comitted to their vote already, but at least give it a look through to see how your reprenatives or candidate have voted. Note McCain and Obama have made very few votes on controversial issues in the last two years, so they can't be held to any recent vote. LOL McCain is DEFINITELY the worst culprit though! See for yourself.
As you can guess, I'm commited to voting Obama now. Donated $100 last night and waiting for my stickers and signs.
Here's a totally non-partisan link to help anyoneelse do some research on voting records and rating by interest groups. Best tool out there! I know most here are comitted to their vote already, but at least give it a look through to see how your reprenatives or candidate have voted. Note McCain and Obama have made very few votes on controversial issues in the last two years, so they can't be held to any recent vote. LOL McCain is DEFINITELY the worst culprit though! See for yourself.