Lower Unit Leak?? How to fix or do I need a Pro?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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Gang - Just got back from a river trip with Eli (only 1 white bass, i think i'll change my name to 1 fish wonder the last few weeks).

Anyway, I found this below. It is what seems like oil dripping out of the lower screw in the lowerunit. As i'm not a lower unit dude, don't want to just tighten the screw or take it out and look at the washer without checking with someone (my luck that one screw holds everything together and the lowerunit would fall out!!! LOL). It is not milky (as some of folks have told me means their is water in the lower unit), so I don't think any water is getting in, and I don't know how to "check" level of lowerunit oil to see if a LOT leaked out or just a little today.

So, I need some help from you folks. What should I do???

OK went back and checked and it SEEMS the actual liquid dripping out at that screw is just water, and it SEEMS to be mixing with the oil residue on the skeg and thats the mixture that is on the floor. So if iim getting a little water from that area could it just been from the prop/vent and the oil is just exhaust residue??

No expertise here either but I do know enought to know that that isn't the screw that you drain the lower unit oil and IMO is the only screw that would harmlessly leak oil if it weren't tight. I guess :unsure: you could tighten it and see if the leak stops but then you will need to make sure to drain and fill the lower unit. I would play it safe and let the wrench take a look.

Those bolts hold your shaft bearing carriage. They shouldn't be able to leak any internal gear lube without a MAJOR malfunction:. Take a bit and rub between your fingers and smell the residue. I'll bet you'll find it's just exhaust residue. (Normal - smoky black w/ blue-ish tint) If you're in doubt, bring it by and we'll be able to look it over and tell you right away. From the looks (and you're sure your L/U fluid is clean) I wouldn't worry.:)
Slsail - 2000 40 Merc 2 stroke 2 cylinder.

Dan - As i updated I think you may be right. Didn't know all the techincal terms (you know us IT guys :wacko:) The liquid actual DrIPPINg seems to be water, but what is dripping on the floor seems to be a mixture, so I think you may be right on the residue.

Is there a noticable differnce in 2 stoke oil and lower unit oil, for me to guess? and is there a way to check the level of the lower unit fluid to ensure i've not lost any/much?

I've had the boat out and run farther in the last 3 weeks then in a LONG TIME! I went out 2 weeks ago Wed, then that Sat with the kids/nephew, then the following Sat and Sun and again today. most of the trips required MUCH longer runs then I usually do (we ran 10 miles up river looking for migrating hybrids/whites.

Trep, what you are seeing is most likley burnt 2 cycle oil and water from the exhaust. If you want to check the level of the fluid you just need to remove the top plug. If a little oil drips out or you can see the level your good to go. The oil should be brown or green in color. If woat comes out is white like a milkshake then yoy have a problem and you need to take it in for repair. check the picture below for the location of the two plugs. This pict of of my 150 merc but yours will be in a similar location. You only need to remove the top one, When you replace it make sure its good and tight to prevent water from getting in.

here is a shot of what it should look like color wise

First, nice dings on the prop :).

Now, my experience is VERY limited, but here's MY experience with lower unit grease... it STINKS, I mean even when fresh, it smells like it's burnt. So, my suggestion is to pull the vent plug (the top one) and if a little comes out, get it on your fingers and smell it. If it's good and putrid smelling, you're in business. The smell is just nasty. You won't soon forget it. Anyway, if you can't get any out, put that screw back in, and pull the bottom one. You only need a few drops. The smell is what's important here.

Okay, now go wash that crap off your fingers and then wash them again :). Now, go back to what you think is lower unit grease and stick your finger in it (use the other hand, the first one still stinks). Smell it. Same stuff? Nope? Good, it ain't lower unit grease.

If your lower unit grease doesn't smell horrid, well, report that back too so I can file it away. I've only smelled a couple of brands, but they took me back 18 years to when I changed oil and remembered the smell of rear end grease. Same stuff if you ask me. :wacko:
what about some of us gearheads that like the smell of rear end grease? LOL.. When I smell gear lube on a customers vehicle, it translates to big money in the ol' cash register...LOL!:D
I love the smell of the lower unit oil. Reminds me of the oil that goes in the helocopter rotor heads when I was flying. Ahhh the smell that does not go away when you get it on your clothes!!!

Carlos - Is that kinda like the smell of napalm in the morning????? LOL
Trep - When you make longer runs, it will be common to have that exhaust residue drip on the way/at home. Get yourself a little piece of cardboard to slide under the skeg when you park it and you should have no worries. Good luck!