Love My New Job!

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Just got a $500 gift check for being a wonderful employee....not bad for 6 months work.

Guess I can buy that Honda powerwasher for the boat now and redeem the rest at Bass Pro. There is a God people. :D
Atta Girl Teri!;) I just got 4 days and $200 for being a good boy too yesturday:p
Hey Teri the difference was you got that from your employer and Tee got his taken off his sentence by the Judge.... (I could not resist... I am so evil)...LOL
VERY Glad to see your move and new job are working out Teri :rolleyes:

Well I didn't get ANYTHING from my boss today, except and OK when I said "I'm planning on quiting at 3:30pm and go fishing" and she said "Why wait, get out of here!!"

So as soon as Beka gets home with the kids, i'm fishing!

Keep up the great work Teri - And hows the sale of the Banana boat going??
Trep, I believe I have sold the Banana Boat. I have to go get it from Indiana this weekend and then he is suppose to pick it up next week. Hopefully, it will all work out.
All I got from my boss yesterday is...."You want time off for fishing????" ( I work at Wendys)

Great news Teri - As much as the wife and I LOVE that color, timing wasen't right. So good luck!
She recently got re-assigned within her company and was compensated very nicely. I guess I can buy those boat buckles, the auto nav. kit for my garmin legend C, and a bow mount fish finder.

:unsure: Honey, if you happen to read this, I'm just kidding. :D

I'd a thought you'd have bought a new snow blower? OH thats' right you moved. Congrats I'm sure you deserved every penny.


So I take it that Tennessee is agreeing with you right now. That's great!! How's the fishing on Priest going? My dad and I caught some good crappie and catfish last week. Even got a couple of bass without even trying!:lol: Hope the Triton is satisfactory with you. I'm still trying to sell my boat. It goes into the Wheels and Deals boat edition May 6th. Hope that works.

GO Titans!:)
