Livewell question

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Stan Tallant

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
I have a newbie question concerning my 640LX that I bought last fall. First, the boat is great and I really enjoy it. My question concerns water in the livewell. It seems like no matter which lever I throw or which switch I flip I always get about 3" of water in the livewell. Is this normal? Of course I can turn the pump on and fill it up but sometimes it would be nice to use as a cooler for crappie. Is something wrong with the boat?
check your drains may have a partial obstruction. you can run some water from a hose out through the livewell drain, or through the hull fitting in reverse. that should blow out any blockage that may be in there. if that 640 has a flowrite lever, have your dealer check to see if it is opening and closing all the way. hope that helps some!
My question to stan is the livewell dry before you put the boat in?? If so could mean you are backing the boat in to fast causing water to come up the overflow. That is what happens on my 896 Savge when we are in a hurry.
I back in slowly when I launch so I don't think that could cause a rush of water to enter the livewell.

Shouldn't the livewell be completely dry until I open the valve? It looks like the livewell will fill up to the amount of the boat draft then it stops unless I turn on the pump.

On the very back of the pad I have three openings. The center is the main boat drain with what I assume is livewell openings on either side. Both are open. I will take a hose and run water in both directions of both holes to see if one or the other is partially blocked allowing water to come in uninvited.

Stan: If your 640 is like my 750 and has two switches--one on the dash [manual and auto to run pump] and one underneath the gear shift [empty and fill to work valve], then I suggest putting both switches in the middle position. The gear shift switch is the one that should resolve your problem. v/r Marty
Stan - I have a '99 700lx, and this boat and my prior boat (2000 Tracker PC 175) all get water in the livewell up to the "water line". Unless in the 700 I switch it to Fill, so the valve is closed in the drain. I just leave it on Empty so it does wash some of the junk out of the bottom throughout the day, if i've got no fish in the livewell.

I know the newer 640/700 have pump out features so I don't know if they switched the switches since mine.
Stan, Check to see if your valve actually is totally closed when in the empty position. If it is like my 700 LX this is a "push-pull" cable. I have had problems with my other Nitro where the cable was slipping and not closing the valve completely.
Set the valve to recirc. If you still get water, the valve isn't closing all the way.

Thanks to everyone for the replies. I will try several things this weekend when I take the boat out to see what happens.