Live Well Problem

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J D Farrow

Jul 11, 2009
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I am new to the bass boat world and have just purchased a 96 170DC. The live well has a drain located under a intake screen on the driver side. From what I understand there is either a plug or overflow pipe that is suppose to go in this drain. However I cannot get a overflow tube in the hold because of the intake screen above it. Is this particular model suppose to have a plug or a tube of some sort that is offset to fit in the hole and be offset to clear the screen?
Just sold my old 170 DC and it had no screen. A tube was inserted into the hole to make sure the livewell had max water. As for pump out, fill, etc, all it had was a recycle via the tube, and aeration pump. I'd suspect the screen has been added "aftermarket" from a previous owner?
No swithches to be found. i have accounted for all switches located on the dash.
It could very well be but it is strange that both holes have the same type screeen over the inlets. Did yours have two inlets in the front bulkhead of the tank?
No, mine only had 1 hole in the rear of the well, drivers side. Mine was a '94 so sounds like they might have changed it between '94, and '96.
Nitro 170's use a stand pipe for their livewell systems. It's a grommeted base PVC pipe that plugged into the receptacle drain in the well bottom. If you do not have the stand pipe, an easy replacement can be made from PVC pipe and a tee fitting. Cut the pipe to size where, when plugged in, the tee fitting is on top (allowing for drain) and assisted for a snug fit by the closed deck lid. ;)
Finally got my live well problem solved. Went to a Bass Tracker Dealer and talked with a shop forman. He told me that this boat could not have a over flow with out relocating the screen above the fill drain hole in the bottom of the live well. He gave me a 1" rubber plug which I hae been using and all is well! To everyone THANKS for the support and help. Hopefully someday I can be of help to someone.