Lil help from the Potomac River rats?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Hey guys! Like Greg said, I took 4th yesterday. Was in 3rd but I lost 3 "big" fish (Sacandaga big) which means 2 - 2 1/2 lbers and that cost me the tourney. I finished in 4th. Made $950 so not bad. The key thing was I was in 37th overall for pts going in and now I'm around 20 so I qualified for another regional. This one is on the Potomac out of Smallwood state park in MD. Never fished it so I could use any help you guys could muster. I need a top 6 to go back to the All American and the winner gets a new Chevy 1500 and a Ranger 198. That's about the only way I'm going to get a new truck and boat in the near future.

Plus if anyone has a place I could crash to save $$$ I would be very grateful. Smallwood is full and the cheapest room I can get is $90 a night.

I'll be getting into town this Friday the 2nd and will be there until the 11th.

Where can I get maps of this place???? :(

Any help will be returned on Champlain 10x over. ;)
You should be able to find a decent map on the internet, it is my home water so don't use a paper map much these days. A navonics chip is invaluable, I would definitely have one, it will make running much easier.

Fishing should be good, water is cooling down and fish are on the move.

Good luck, HP
Rob - on Route 210 before (or just after - can't recall specifically) the turn off to get to Smallwood, there's a Super 8 Motel. Here's the link to their site:

Current rates for this coming weekend around $61/night. The website lists a limit of one boat per room for tournaments (so they've had experience in this regard!). Gotta believe their rates would be decent. Make sure all your bassboat gear is secure! From that hotel, its a 15 minute drive to Smallwood (7 miles).

On maps, get a GMCO map of the Tidal Potomac River. You'll have all the info you need in a waterproof fold out map. Bass Pro Shops in Baltimore sells them or you can get them on the internet.

On where to fish, I'll leave that to other more successful locals than me, but the grass beds on the main river are supposed to be great (from Quantico down stream to Aquia) on the Virginia side. Oh, and if you get one of those snakeheads, make sure to kill it and not release alive (Md/Va requirements). Frankly, I haven't gotten one yet - and not for lack of trying!

Good luck.
You sir, have bad timing.

I am TAD to Okinawa until next Monday so wil ltotally miss your event.

I have been gone now for a bit and have no idea temps, water clairity etc man......

I will shoot you an email on stuff thta should work, but have no idea on spots for you.

Sorry Rob...
rob, i might be able to help. will post something or shoot you an email in a day or 2.

mike c
Try this link, this is from a local guide.

Smallwood is on Mattawoman creek, but it will be loaded with locals and others on the weekend.
Take Penrod's reports with a grain of salt. Once you read it you'll know why. :lol::lol:

We talked on the phone and I made some calls. Call who I told you to!!;)

You might want to try the Bell-Aire in Bel Alton. Very inexpensive, clean, well lit, and 15 min. from Smallwood. I've had a cabin in the park before and the only thing it comes with is convenience. The motel is a worthy upgrade all around. ;)

PM me and I'll dump my guts. (I'm heading to FL Thurs.) I hope you win buddy. We'll all be pulling for ya!! :D
This should be interesting???

This is from Sat. I got out for a few hours after I got out of my deer stand and was back in the stand by 5.


Pic's take the place of lip service!:lol:

This is from last weekend a little further south:

