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Dave Lambeth

Active Member
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
I'm thinking of putting a keilshield on my boat during the offseason and am debating the color.

I'd like to get a white one but heard they get dingy pretty quickly. Is this true? I don't keep my boat in the water for extended periods and wash it thoroughly every time I take it out.

My second choice is black. Do any of you have a picture of a black one on a white hull?
Depends on what kind of water you run it in. Go to the keelshield website and look at the pics, my boat is the NITRO with the black shield on a cremem hull. There are cleaners that will take scum off of the white but most that I have seen are black. The contrast is good looking. Make sure you have a minimum 70 degree hull temp. before you install.

Wow, I'm thinking about one to. Well for that matter I have been for some time, but someone just keeps forgetting about me!!!

Toxic, you know who that might be??:lol:
I can't comment on color as I have a black one on my black hull that you can not even notice unless you look hard...BUT... it was REALY nice the last 2 days when the water level is as low as it is and our docks are not floating at all, to just slowly approach the empty ramp (blocked off up top because it doesn't go deep enough this time of year) and slowly "beach" the boat on the concrete ramp!!

oh my :eek: beaching your boat on the concrete ramp.... i don't even like tying up to the dock

Dave - We don't have any "docks" once they draw down the lake in the fall/winter, which was done early this summer due to a drought and water-war with FL over some endagered lizard or mussle or something, so the only choice if you are by yourself or with a kid, is to use the empty ramp or the rocky shoreline, very few of our ramp areas have sand :-( The Keelshied seems to be the "bomb!" and the only thing that comes in contact with the Ramp is the keelshield!!
As far as color goes, i dont think they get too dirty quickly. I have a very light gray one on my grey hull right now and my old boat i had a white one on a whire hull ( hardly noticed it was there). Neither one got any more dirty then the hull did and anything that got on it came off when i wiped it down.

The Keelshield is one of the best things i have ever done to my boat(s). a lot of the lakes i fish there is no such thing as a dock so it really comes in handy.

Thanks for the feedback.

The lakes I usually fish are very clear water so the white won't be an issue. After looking at some pics of both colors onine, it will be a tough choice.

But, if the hull temp should be 70 degrees, I have at least until May to make that decision!
Do wait for the warm weather, it will make the install a lot easier. I always leave the shield on the deck or warm asphalt to get it good and warm also. Remember too that a shield is a must for those that run rivers and come in contact with floating "debris". Amazing what a little stick can do to a keel at 60 mph!!
