Keelshield Protection.

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Bill Johnson

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Man... I just got done looking at alot of the rigs owned by the members here and I've got to say I'm impressed!!!.. There's some real pretty boats there.....Being as how I'm the Keelshield Rep I couldn't help but notice how many of you guys don't have Keel Protection(Yeah here comes the Shameless plug)....If there is anything I can do for any of you please shoot me an email and let's get some protection out there... Now I'm not a Dealer or Distributor but we can get members here a pretty good deal if they just call Triton1a(Richard Hahn)at 1800-447-2178 .... It's just cheap insurance against possible damage to your hull.
Yes it Does LarryA....

And Toxic... It's peel-n-stick!!!... How hard can that be???....LMAO.....

Bet you have problems puttin on decals too!....hehehehe

Oh an by the way... Ya better git reeeeeeel smart on Keelshield being as how yer gonna be promotin' us!!! shoot me an email with your snail address... sure does...we put one on a traker at the bassmaters classic in July....looked great. They are not designed to come off
It's a piece of cake and well worth the time to install. Just "ease" upon any surface and don't worry about tearing the bottom out.
Got one on my Ranger and love it,'s Carlos's boat now,...but that Keelshield is the bomb!!! I'll have one on my next boat too!!
I will not post prices on the will have to call me and it all depends on the length you need
I have one on my boat, I only had a samll piece not stay attached to to the keel but other than that it has been flawless.
Al... If yours is truely a KEELSHIELD Product, please take a pic and send it to [email protected] so that we can get that replaced... We can't have you running around like that if it's one of ours!! I need a picture to ensure it's a Keelshield and not another brand...Looking forward to hearing from you.
What is the normal area you cover with one??? I would assume it's from the front and back 10' or so????...LA
I'll take a picture of it and send it to you this weekend. I just ended up cutting off a small piece by the bow eye where it was coming off. It was a small piece and am not really worried about it at all. It still serves it purpose and was probably my error in installing it. I don't need a replacement but will send you a picture in an email. I have pictures of the boat in my library but none of them show the keelshield very well especially since the hull and shield are both black. I do appreciate the offer on a new one but I can live with it. The product itself is as tough as it.
Larry... If you look under the hull you can pretty much tell where your hitting bottom when beaching or where the actual keel flattens out....Normally it depends on the length of the boat but it's usually anywhere from a 6 to 8 foot piece...I like to install them about 2" below the bow eye but you only need to install it about a foot above the water line on the keel....

Al.. I still want pics... We can't have you out there in a semi protected ;-)
Guy's I got mine from Bill(And the great folks at KeelShield) and it is very easy to put on. My only recommendation is to have two sets of hands. Makes it even easier. Took about and hour maybe and hour and a half. There is a picture of it in my library. I would post it, but there is another websites ad in the picture and I don't want to ruffle any feathers. I used an 8 footer on my 17 foot boat and started it about a foot below the eye and it works perfect.

scwildbill, I have some questions for you. Some of them even deal with a keelsheild. Send me an e-mail with a # for you to my work mail- [email protected], and I'll call you on my dime.
Bob dats a sharp lookin... uhhhh... errrrrr..... boat, yeah that's what I was looking at..... You got a sharp lookin boat there!!!
UUUHH!! Thanks Bill. Only look at the KeelShield pictures there...HAHAHAHA:)