KB / Carlos / Toxic Lake Anna Update - Friday or Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
KB / Toxic / Carlos,

Hey Guys - Merry Christmas!

Seems like Friday is also a good day to fish, particularly for Carlos since he can make Friday but not Saturday. I think Toxic and Carlos are in for Friday but want to know if KB can come out and play on Friday?

Let us know!!!!!! Either day I guess we will meet up around 0700 at my house and head to the launch.

Let me know what you all want to do.

Enjoy the day tomorrow with your family and hope you get fishin' stuff from Santa. LOL

OK, let me know ya all and we can see!! I am up for Friday if we can. If not, there will be other times to go and play!!!!!!

Merry Christmas fellas!!!!

Post here where you are going to be. I'll be at the lake starting Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, but will be with the family or working on the property most of the time. I'm still clearing trees from Isabel and have a friend coming to help Friday. I'm at the end of Coleman Creek on the hot side.... you can always just come on back and blast a few horns if you are there. Here is a picture of the boathouse so you know you have the right place. If I don't see you - Have a great Christmas!

JR- what's your address - I'll send you some of them after the trapper is done with them.

FYI - Dominion Power used to trap them as a service to the landowners, now we get to pay to have them trapped and removed (killed). The trapper said he only gets about $6 a pelt. Anybody want a beaver coat?

What boats should I look for you guys to be in? Color, size, motor etc....?


we don't need no stinkin' beavers!
All the pics are in our libraries.....KB's hitchin a ride..So it will be Bills and mine and Carlos (if we go Friday). If KB doesn't chime in here real soon I'll call him.


Ps...fly fishermen use beaver to tie some of their flies. You oughtta have at least one pelt stretched.

A 929 (Toxic's), 896 (Carlos), and another 896 (Bill). We are very true to the NTOWS people and only run Nitro's (LOL). No Rangers and certainly no TIN. Haha. Carlos will be the one holding the 10 pounder!
Easy to recognise Bill's boat...he has a tiller trolling motor....LOL. Here's an idea, just let him go up the creek and mangle them beavers with that chainsaw powered TM of his!! Then we can chum fish downstream.


Chainsaw it is! Only trolling motor that will get that boat up on plane faster than Tox's 225HP. I could give him a run for his money. Never did like foot control TMs so went with the hand control. Downside is the third trolling battery (36V) but I can use it all day and still have plenty of juice for the next day.
So do I have to hide my TIN if I'm with you? Jeez- you guys are a rough crowd!
I guess we can make an exception since it is Christmas! LOL You are more than welcome to join us if you are able to tear yourself away from cutting trees. (Haha). We'll try and come your way in the afternoon and see if we can catch up!
Actually I really do enjoy using a chainsaw. Just don't let me near a glass boat....
Hey JR - Sorry for the snow but we will have Sunny and 53 degrees so a good day to be on the hot side. Water temps still in the 60s with no wind in the forecast. Really lookin' foward to catching a few more than Toxic. LOL
It hit 60 here this morning, and it is on the fall now. Down to 53.

David, we can come lookin for ya. Even though you are in TIN, ya can come and play :)

I need to run out and get gas for the truck here soon if we are heading out on Friday now. I really do appreciate you all possibley changing the plans like that so that I can come and play.

I will even get a chance to try out the new rod I got from Mini and hope to break it in right!!!



Break it in the right way and not in pieces. I have heard stories about you in NOT setting the hook properly. A real wuss hookset. LOL Hopefully that new rod will let you rip some lips!

Still haven't heard from KB and I sent him an email. Hopefully he can make it on Friday.
OK ok ok I see that the saddle is on Carlos today!! Just you wait your turn Bill HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA

I am taking lessons from the Tox school of hooksetting. Take two steps forward, then jump backwards!! If the boat does not rock or make splashing noises, then you did it wrong!!!!!

You got the system down right but it is all in the execution. When you jump back, don't jump too far or your Sospenders will be getting a workout. Don't want to lose the rod and the fisherman both! LOL

Yeah, I also figured my time was coming so if I continue on you guys then maybe you won't get a turn. Haha
OK Guys Friday is good!!! 7:00 am at Bill's!!! Do i need to bring my mess or can i get in the ride along program! A few rods a few boxes and i'm good to go!!!! Bill, Put up signs to your house for me LOL
Carlos, If you take the time to take two steps forward then swing, he ain't gonna be there!!! As soon as you feel that booger, swing on him hard. Get up on you toes and make the line sing! Two steps forward is birddoggin' em. you got anyone with you on fri? I'll give you a first hand demo LOL KB
What he didn't say was that when I'm walking forward, I'm also reeling down so that when I give em' the big yank, there ain't nuthin but hook!! Ain't no birddoggin here...course I gotta have a slimy on the end of the line to do that. The hot side owes me some fish!! No trash talkin this time!!

Hi Guys!

Looks like we have a go for Friday at 0700 at the lake house. KB - You can hitch a ride in my boat if you want. Don't know if Tox is bringing his son or not. You are always welcome in my boat. Bring whatever gear you want since I have lots of room. What you don't bring I probably have one or two of everthing anyway.

Looking forward to a beautiful day with sunny conditions and highs in the low 50s with very little wind.

See ya on Friday morning. Have a great Christmas!
Wind is supposed to be around 9mph...livable...not gonna be AS warm, 32 at 7:00...I am bringing my son. See you hoodlums there!! We can put another in the 929 if need be no problem there.


Havin a little Captain Morgan and wrapping!!
Dorn may be with me. I will leave the house at about 0600 or so. See you all tomorrow. thanks for changing the date.

Will have on my new cold weather clothes I got from Santa!!!!


You have email. kb, is your boat in the shop or you in the gas conservation mode? Good Christmas?
no sense in dragging it up to fish by myself, besides i want to feel the raw power of the shredder( Bill's TM )
Understand that one!!!! Make sure that you are braced when he fires that thing and and puts the boat on a plane with it!!!
KB - You are more then welcome in my boat.

See you all in the morning!