just my luck

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
The past two months i've noticed this bump on my chest. I havent paid any attention to it until recently it grew bigger and it started hurting like crazy when i would move.

I went to a doctor Sunday and they didnt know what it was so they sent me to a surgeon. The surgeon looked at it and didnt know so he asperated it. Thats about the most painful thing I've ever done in my life. He pulled 5 viles of fluid off this thing which looked infected. He put me on an antibiotic and wants to see me tomorrow at 10. If it hasnt improved (which just by sight it doenst look like it) he's going to take me to surgery. I've never had surgery and I'm a little nervous.

He did say I would be able to return to work after a day or two depending on how I felt and that it would be an open wound and I would need to repack it. I also asked him if I would be able to fish my tournament next week and he said to plan on it...so thats good.
That is certainly a bad news/good news story. I hope it turns out to be minor. You've learned a valuable lesson in your youth that you should remember the rest of your life. Don't ignore problems early hoping that they will go away.

I had a similar thing on my lower back that turned out to be some sort of infected abcess last month. It came on all of a sudden( as in overnight) and i was in absolute agony to the point that i couldnt even walk hardly. They had to do the same thing, cut it open, drain it and pack it. Even with the novicane it was still painfull but after they removed the packing two days later and it healed i feel fine. Hopefully yours will heal up quick like mine did and you will be back to normal in no time.

I wish you a speedy recovery, let us know how you make out.


I think those things are caused from kissing to man large mouths.....................bass that is. :lol:

We say a pray for good results on the surgery and a very quick recovery.

Take care.

Sounds like a karbukle (sp?). A gland that becomes infected. I have had a couple of them removed from the back of my neck. My doctor told me they are common in diabatics, so you may want to have your blood sugar checked, if that is what it is. The surgery was a piece of cake, done with a local in the dr's office, took maybe a half hour total. The only discomfort I had was from the packing, but that was removed in a day or so and after that it was fine.

Rich D
I had a boil on my hip one time that took a surgeon to dig it all out. Yes very painful. You'll be right as rain real soon.

Started to stop at the store to see you today but didn't because I didn't want to get caught in all the Big 12 Tournement traffic. Good thing I didn't. Talked to Derek at Sportsmans Warehouse yesterday....he showed me a picture of a 101/2 pounder he caught at Mountian Lake.

Get Well Soon.

Thats ok I was off yesterday and today (and tomorrow now).

Thanks everyone!

I was up there for a couple of minutes today just to let my manager know I needed the day off tomorrow.
Good Luck BJ.. Here's hoping it's something simple and "painless"... I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

Uncle Billy
Good luck with it BJ! I'm sure it'll turn out fine, and you'll be ready to stick some big fish next weekend at your tourney.
