JR - July 4th

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Looks like I will be there Thursday night thru Tuesday. I asked for Thursday and Friday off of work and my counterpart is going to be off then. My boss said if I set foot in the door and check on everything I can have Thursday afternoon off and Tuesday instead of just Thursday.

I got your pic. You look very different than some of the wild pictures you posted here. Guys he really isn't a freak. Ha!
Hey, when's my date? :)

Don't think I'm kidding.. my mom keeps riding me to come visit and if I'm up there for too long, I'll be BEGGING to get in the nanner boat. They're up in Marion (about 2 hours away from Indy). The wife will probably wish to escape too, so you don't have to worry about it being a good date :)

Looks like you and I are out of the running, Snowball.

Snowman, any time you and your wife (not THE wife....I hate when guys say that) come to Indy, I will arrange a ride on the Nana or a trip to the cabin. Whatever you have time for!
JR, the minute you get that Reatta in you let me know. I will definitely pay it a visit.

You sound just like my ol'lady.

She's never happy,no matter what I call her.LOL

Teri... she may be my wife, but she's THE wife... I wouldn't trade her for anyone except Bekka, but once she finds out I only have a yamika spot and not an actual yamika, she'd run off and try to hire the mohel :). Trepper just always talks so good about her that I gotta believe she's a keeper.
I've met her, Mike.

She IS!

Trepper is one of the luckiest men in the world; he has a wonderful wife and two bright boys! And they are some of the luckiest people in the world; they've got him!