joining a club

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Jim Duncan

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
I am thinking of joing a club in the near future, and would like some suggestions from y'all about joining. I would like to know some pros/cons of joing a federated or non-federated club. I was thinking of joining a federated, but the dues seem to be a little steep. I do know that you can qualify for the classic and all, but I really don't have any dreams of turning pro. Any thought, comments, suggestions would be helpful. Thanks so much! Oh, and if anyone knows of any clubs in the Hickory, NC area, or how to find one, that would be nice as well.
My best advice would be is to become a federated Club, I have personally started 2 clubs one in the MD federation(10 years and counting) and one in the Delaware Fed. (3 years and counting) the one true and overbearing reason to become federated versus independant is Insurance. if you hold a tournament without being federated, and money changes hand's all of the officers in charge can be held liable in the event of an accident. when you become federated with B.A.S.S going to, during and returning from an event is covered under the B.A.S.S national policy.
Jim, I have been a member of one of the biggest federated clubs in the Raleigh area -- Elite Bassmasters. I began fishing in the club many years ago and quickly became the secretary and weighmaster. I can tell you I learned a lot from the other anglers but also had to deal with the BS too. When our president left the group they nominated me to become the new president in which I immediately turned it down. So you can say it has it's ups and downs. I am very competitive by nature so I always loved to fish the tournaments and the fellowship was pretty cool especially when we did two day tournaments out of town. It really depends on how you approach the whole thing, the more you put into the more yet get out. Best thing is to join a club and if you don't like it try another one or give it up if that's your choice. If you want to fish a few tournaments there are always a ton of open tournaments that will satisfy your urge to compete.
Jim - I'll ask you the same question a few friends asked me when I asked the same question last year (MAN that sounds bad!! LOL):

WHY do you want to fish in a bass clus? Is it for fun, having a day each month to fish on the calender, meet folks who fish, make friends, learn some new techniques and have some fun? Or do you want to put your competitive nature to work, try and beat the next guy and make some $$ on the way?? Answer those questions, grasshoper and the answer you will find.

If you want the fun/friends part of it, find a club that is NOT a team competition and one that has a decent mix of boaters/non-boaters and requires folks to fish with different partners each week. Find one that has low dues, low payouts and does something for the community.

If you want the $$, the competition and the drive for being a Pro, then grab a friend and join a club that you bring your boat/buddy and you competitively fish!!!

I came SOO close to joining a friendly club this year ($20/month T fees, and only $45 annual dues, and it was a federated club) but the timing of the schedule and the 2 day T's this year (with me teaching 3rd Grade Sunday school) just didn't work out.

Good luck!!
what in the world happened there? I forgot to sign in and it posted twice....I'm a mess.
I joined a bass club 4 years ago. I really like it, but the politics thing get's in the way sometimes. We pay $10.00 a month in dues, and of course our annual $25.00 + federation + BASS dues. Not really too bad that way.

I know that I'm going to fish at least once a month between Feb and Nov.
