It's Spring in Nashville...woo hoo

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Not bad for the first day out this year. Froze my booty off but I was glad I put my brother on fish. Water is still low 50's but they seem to be moving up slowly.

Eat your heart out Northerners! Hahahahahahahahaha! :D

Fish on!
I agree with Dawg. That was "cold".:( It's this time of year us northerners could use a little love. A little wormth might even be better;)
Teri...Kim say's ,"You gotta get your butt over to Dale and quit foolin' around with those green fish"!:lol:
Nice pic Teri! Percy Priest is pretty good for most of the year. Wish I didn't have to sell my boat last year, I'm getting a little itchy to get on a lake again.:) Do you think I can buy another boat withoput the wife knowing about it?:);):eek::lol::D:angry::blink:

Nothing like kicking a fella when he's down....and cold.:rolleyes:

Nice way to start off the season.

Dang Teri, when are you comming down here to teach me how to fish!! I was out for 3 hours this morning and got zip!

Great job!!

Oh, and if you are on the boat, who took the picture?? LOL

Nice fish, nice picture, except for the Yankees hat. :p


Nice fish Terri, what would it take to get you to show a fat, old, ailin man where and how to find them like that? :lol:

Tom, if I can get past all this pain in the back you can ride with me anytime we can get Terri to show us where to catch em. :lol:
