It keeps getting wierder

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
Ok...first the boat seat now guess what. I huge storm just came through. I don't know if we had a tornado or what. No sirens went off but were huddled in the house and we hear this huge WUMPH!!! I thought it was thunder but it shook the house. Anyway the storm lets up and I look out the front window and there's a trampoline in my front yard. It has pieces on the roof, one piece is sticking out the roof near the place the gutter used to be. I need to find out whose missing a trampoline. CAn you believe this??

Sounds like a normal t storm with some winds for all of us Okie boys! ;)


A few years back a friend of mine familys got a new storage shed when one rolled into their backyard duing a tornado

Geez, Mike :eek: ..... Couldn't you just teach those dogs of your's to be normal..... Just bring home dead tree limbs and roadkill like every other mutt in the neighborhood? :lol:
Lucky it wasn't a truck or a cow or a tree or a body or a trailer or a.....well you get the idea.

Now why couldn't it have been a Ranger 520 DVX with a 225 HO on the back? Ya know, one of those deals where the twister picked it up, moved it 20 miles and set it down without so much as a scratch on it. :blink:

Better yet, why couldn't it have been the pickup and driver from Sooner's mother in law's hit and run accident. And he could be pinned inside as gas leaks all over and the nearby powerline on the ground begins to arc. I bet you'd get a QUICK confession on tape out of him to haul him out of there! LOL Now would you is the next question.

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