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Tim m

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
I took the 175 to the dealer yesterday for the rear squeaky decks,never noticed how loud they were,you could even tap on it and hear what appeared to be metal hitting metal on both sides.The dealer guy said it was the worst he has ever seen..Been in touch with Tracker and from what i am gathering from both,it is going to have to back to the factory to be rebuilt...Knee surgery last year caused me to miss the spring bite,maybe i can get the other one done this year...Good thing i have my Nitro,sure going to miss my 175,,its never seen a rain drop...:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( Trep,looks like you are going to get to try the 24 sooner than you thought.....
Good luck with the deck repairs. My port side aft has some squeak, but I'll live with it unless it gets real bad.
Tim - Good news that the dealer is taking care of you, is that the Atlanta BPS at Discover Mills? They have been amazing from a service perspective when I had my Tracker!

On the 24, you got the jackplate on yet and test it??
Not yet,Still doing home projects and getting ready...I took it to another dealer closer to me than Discover Mills...Got a call today and was told tracker informed them to add more foam.I told them this was un acceptable..Esp when you could tap on each side on the rear deck and hear metal hitting metal..I know what has happened but trying to make them (Tracker)understand it is a diff story.....Maybe this weekend on the jp
Good luck!!! If they don't consider a warped hull in a 2005 more than just a cosmetic defect they won't fix because it "doesn't effect performance", you're going to have one hell of a time convincing them a squeak does! :(

Tell them you lost 5-8mph on top end because of the squeak. :D

And by posting it here you just told Tacker......:huh:...aren't they still working with you and agreed to have it looked at?

I'm not stupid or really serious, but he did tell me that! LOL

We came to a mutual stalemate. They looked at it and found nothing wrong. She's scheduled for pick-up in about a week. I'm not convinced there's no problem, but they did what I asked. It's still a 2005 with a warp though. :(
Terror,,,Are they picking it up and taking it to the factory?..Tox were you talking to me or Terror?
No factory. Back home. They fixed my protrusion, livewell cable, and my fuel venting problem. The warp.......... I didn't get anywhere but a guarantee that when/if it does become a problem, they'll take care of it. I'm stuck with the warp for now. Insurance company is taking a look at it when I get the boat back.
My dealer had a boat like mine brought down to look @ how to get to repair area,and as they went thru boats they noticed all the rear decks were squeaking bad...Ooops