Is some water in boat normal?

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Paul Welc

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Hello all, a few months ago I purchased a 2005 Pro Team 175 (before that had a plastic bass hunter boat, no plug). I notice after I'm on the water for 3 - 4 hours and pull the boat out, if I pull the plug, water comes out (about a coffee cans worth) is this normal? I don't run the bilge pump when I'm out, maybe I should. Thanks for any help.

I've told this story many times so here I go again...

This is the problem that I was dealing with when I found this site. What I found, is on the PT boats (I have a PT-185) water gets in at the seam where the gunwale is riveted to the hull. When you are running at full speed the water comes up with a pretty good force and gets in the bilge. Once I found out what the source was I never let it worry me again. If I make a long full speed run I will turn on the bilge pump just to be careful. You can run a bead of silicone on the seam to seal it but then you have an ugly silicone goo on the side of your pretty new boat.

Paul, I have a 2005 PT 175 that does not take on any water at all (((knocking on wood))) after 6 hours on the water. I'll get a little water up thru the live well plug but that's it. I would take Jack's advice and put it in writing and let your dealer know what's going on.
Just a FYI. I'm only using the trolling motor not the gas motor so I'm not running at full speed, if that matters?

It could be coming from your livewell, a little water comes out when i pull the boat out of the water and I pull the plug. I have only taken my boat out twice and notice this also. If you want to test it to see if it is your livewell I heard to put a plug in the intake hole and also one in your drain hole for you livewell. That way no water at all enters your livewell. If you pull your boat out and it is dry now you will know what the issue is. I think my water issue is exactly what Soonerfan stated.


Did you fill the on board cooler with ice? That water drains into the bilge.....

My boat is a 2000 PT175. The ONLY time I have pulled the plug and got water out is one time when I had it at the station and it came one heck of a rain, and the other time was when an idiot piloting (using term loosely) a big ole cabin cruiser (about 30') came within about 30' of me. Before I could get the boat turned around I had two waves come over the back of the boat, one was as high as the top of the motor. Turned the bilge on, but still got some out of the plug.

Also knocking on wood (LOUDLY), I NEVER get any water after normal fishing.
The bilge pump will not make the bilge dry.. Even an auto pump leaves a little in the bottom.

Knocking on wood also; no water in my bilge ('05 PT175) after a day on the water where it got a little choppy. As stated above let your dealer know in writing to document it.
Check to see if when you launch your boat some water may come in over the back of the transom and enter through the area where the cables come out. Also sometimes when backing into some waves like at the dock water will splash into the same area, both of which will get a little water into the bilge area. Otherwise my 03 PT185 does not get any water in the bilge. If that is not the answer then see your dealer.
Besides sealing the rivets on the gunnels to stop water leaking into my PT 175, I plugged my bildge pump exhaust hole. When I backed the boat into the water or get waves on the stern or slowed the boat off plane, I sometimes got water in the hull. I just pluged it unless I needed to use the bildge pump then I would take it out.

Da Bear
Count me as another that has a dry boat. 2002 PT175 and unless I back up fast and surge water over the transom or hit choppy water and cause water to fly into the boat, my boat stays bone dry when the plug is pulled.

I agree with the other posters. Definitely send correspondence to tracker via the dealer by snail mail and cc: the company.
Should be bone dry...NO WATER! If there is any at all....start chechin' all hoses and definitely seal the top cap with silicone. I used white to make it more visible when needing reapplied:D