Iowa Eagles

  • Thread starter Marty Klein [URL]
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Marty Klein

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
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I don't how many of you are aware of this website; live feed cams on an eagle nest in Decorah, IA [northeast corner of the state]. It can be addictively boring, but sometimes there is cool activity. Last night, I happened to be watching when she laid her third egg. Don't know what women ***** about, it looked pretty easy. When the front moved thru night before last, I thought she was going to be blown into Illinois. It does have sound as well. Enjoy.
Way cool Marty! She's locked onto that nest like a largemouth on a bed. Great link! :cool:
that's AWESOME!!! we gotta keep this link up near the top so we can watch them hatch and grow all spring!!!:wub:
It was a bit of a hoot watching dad take over the "warming" duty ... walked over, sat down, then stood up looking at the eggs [now 3] like "WTF?" -- "where'd this other egg come from?" Then he moved them around and got to work. :lol:
We've had a male bald eagle hanging out here for four years. He was just brown when he first showed up now and adult. Last night I counted 38 mature and immature eagles on Lake Manawa a lake on the outskirts of Council Bluffs. The number will be several hundred before they head north.

Very cool. One reason that I love fishing the Potomac is the opportunity to see one of the 3 nesting pairs that I know of flying by Mt Vernon or over the DC area.
Here in Florida I have a nesting pair behind my house. I also have Osprey and a Falcon that follows me around when I mow so he can grab any lizards that I scare up. He can scare the bejeesus outta me when he swoops down and lands about 3 feet away. He has no fear of me whatsoever. Also have a pair of HUGE Owls that I have watched grab squirrels off the trees. It is a birders paradise here in Florida. My favorite is the Pilleated Woodpeckers that have both here and in Virginia. I had the Virgina birds trained to come to a suet block I put on a tree next to my deck. I watched them bring new fledgelings to that block for 3 years in a row. I stopped feeding them when I left. I also had flying squirrels that at dusk would fly down to the deck and take a peanut or potato chip out of your hand...jeeze, I need to get back home....

Oh man ... :eek: ... covered in snow this morning ... :( ... .
Mother Nature can be such a #@$$......I hope she stays on those eggs,...they're probably nice and toasty!!
I just checked and she's surrounded by snow and still fixing her nest up and keeping things tidy, it seems, all while locked on her clutch of eggs. That's a good Momma in my book! ;)
You got that right. Tell some pregnant woman to go outside and sit in the cold and let me know what she says ... :lol::blink::wacko::lol::wacko: ... I know I would skip my turn ... :lol::lol::lol:
AWESOME,...I just watched them switch shifts!! Saw the 3 eggs for the 1st time! :wub:
Did you notice that the female puts them in a triangle and the male lines them up? That has to do with the size and shape of the "brooding patch." Bless their hearts; I hope they aren't trying to hatch ice cubes now.
I can't get to the site from work anymore, so I need to remind myself to check in on them at home.

Web shows about 35 days to incubate, so they should be peaking out before too long.

TTT........all 3 have hatched.....the 3rd was supposed to hatch yesterday at "anytime", hatched last nite at 735 or so.. :wub:
No prob Tex,......i watched her for a few mins after of the eaglets is deffinitely the trouble maker in the keeps trying to pop it's head out from under the parent, and the parent is constantly poking it back under it's belly. Great to watch!! :lol:
There is a nest on a web cam right down the shore from our house on LOTO.

TTT, they sure are growing FAST!! They've probably tripled in size in the last week!! There's a sucker laying in the nest now that's still flops around and Mom grabs it with her beak,...."Get your slimey arss back here,'re going to be LUNCH!":lol: