Interesting fact....

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Barb Baggott

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2001
Reaction score
Was ready today's Chicago Suntimes and saw this:

"In 1999, the average American drank 31.9 gallons of beer in the year. That's approximately 340 bottles of beer on the wall."

They didn't specify which type or how many limes...

Drink up...we wouldn't want our average to decrease would we?

Barb,...according to my calculations,..that's roughly 57 limes,.....Neeley and I use 1 lime per 6 pak.

That's less than 1 beer a day. So i'm DEFINETLY contributing to those slackers!

Your buddy is right about AB stock (Ticker Symbol "BUD"). Grows and splits, grows and splits, grows and splits. These days, if it drops below 44, I'll be getting some more!

In a down economy, people stop buying wine and champaign and start in on the suds. And in the late spring and summer, when you gotta quench that thirst. . . (Here in St. Louis, it can be difficult at times to cross the line over to Coronas.)

(This notice is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell stock through this web site. Investing money involves a certain amount of risk and you could lose money. Consult your financial advisor before investing in the stock market.)

Is that a good enough disclaimer, Rich?

he's probably right!!!.....In hard economic and stress filled times,...alcohol consumption increases!!!

no better time than now to pop a top and squeeze a lime!!....Speakin' o'which,...Neeley,..I'm going to be poppin in the store in a couple of hours to sign up for the A/C tournaments,.....let's hit the Alcatraz after your quittin' time for a lime!!! What say???
Sounds good Mac, but they don't have Corona's at Alcatraz...we'll go somewhere else.

I've gotta go to the Service Center for a while, so call my cell when you're here.

I'm gonna change your first sentence in your post...

"In hard economic and stressed filled times, sit back and enjoy some Corona's and limes."