I'm the man of this house!

  • Thread starter Mark Hofman [URL]http://laughnet.no-ip.com/mp3/man
  • Start date
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A compliment: You're one of the nicest guys I know.

(Actually, she heard it before she left.)

Funny thing, Mark..... Your name came up in a conversation with Laurie last night..... How we got on the subject, I've got no idea - but we were joking about what she should do with all my fishing stuff if she ever had to fulfill her duties as Executor. She won't touch a fishin' pole! I told her to hand my stuff to you, Trepper and Rich - you guys could likely find some sort of use for it!
And here I thought you'd want it to go to the Kentucky Sheriff's project, or some other kid's charity.
Me: I just signed those papers for both my parents. It was tuff. But like I told a buddy of mine I may also have to be there (God forbid) Exicutioner. I don't know about your freind Laurie but I cried when I signed them. Thank God I was home alone.. Just what every woman wants right a 43 yr old, 6'1" 170 lbs baby.. 5 more lbs and it's pizza time. But I expect due to my Moms cooking next Thursday I won't see that until march.

You could buy a lot of Zebcos for the price of one of my Curados..... Kids are great. That's where my music goes. But the fishin' stuff goes to adults who will use it!

As you may know, Bruce, at age 53, I've been a diabetic since age 10. I've also had some heart problems as a result. I want everything to be lined out should "that day" come before I'm ready for it. And I ain't a-gonna be ready for it for a long time to come! But, in any case, with me, as well as probably with your parents, having my affairs laid out gives me great peace of mind!

Now who the heck broght up all this stuff? oh yeah..... me..... CUT IT OUT!
Is your wife in Dallas? My mom is there for a teachers conferance

No, believe it or not she's at Lake of the Ozarks!

Last year I was invited to be a speaker at the same conference. For some strange reason, a Tracker Tournament V-18 tailgated me all the way to the Lake and back. And wouldn't you know it, it ended up parked in a boat slip right at the edge of the lake below my room?

Well....I just had to take advantage of that, didn't I?

No such luck this year.