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Eddie Payne

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Well folks the house is buttoned up like Fort Knox, the fridges are full, the generator has gas, and we are ready. We are about 60-70 miles in from Galveston, but they are still saying we may have hurricane force winds up here. As long as the shop does not blow down on my boat we will be in good shape.

For those south of us, be safe and you are in our prayers.

From the looks of things here this morning, I should have gone to the lake!

Thanks in advance for your prayers.

More through the weekend.

See ya,


I feel for ya. We just got rid of Gustav last week but I know we didn't get it as much as you guys will get. Here in Lafayette,La. we had one gust of 71 mph at the airport. I'm afraid you guys will have it much worse. Like you,everything is tied down. gased up and ready. I believe the water may do more damage than the wind. At work today, Police Department, we are in standby mode. They are calling for some winds and rain. So you guys in Texas and west Louisiana, please be safe and take care of yourselves. It's going to be along day for ya'll.

Barry from La.:(
I'm pretty much ready up here in E. Texas. We are expecting 70-75 mph winds and an 'amount' (to be determined) of rain. Looks like the brunt will be coming through here Saturday afternoon through Sunday sometime.

Ed - if you are in the Houston area - you are going to get some pretty good winds and rain. Spent several hurricanes both growing up and living there in that area. Still have many friends.

Our expextations are for power loss, and water (but the water shouldn't really affect me other than possibly coming up over the bulkhead near the dock). No concern that it will rise to the level of affecting the house (we'd need 30-40 inches of water to be concerned on that front).

Big blow this weekend. Everyone stay SAFE. As they said on the news, in best 'Texican' talk - going to hunker down.

You guys be safe down there. I'm up in the Austin area and it's not looking like we'll get much more than wind.

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