ice chest drain on 911

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2005
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can someone tell me where the heck the ice chest in a 911 is

supposed to drain into? i've got the plug out, and the melted

ice/water, does not drain, shouldn't it go into the bilge?

Hey Dave, I think it does drain into the bilge, I have a 929 and it does. I would run a wire or small tubing into the drain hole or look for a kinked drain hose coming off the back of the ice cooler. It is stopped up or hose is kinked. Good luck! Later<>< <>>< <>< <>< Jack
are you talking about the one under the seat ? if so I think it does drain to the bilge. look in the battery hole you can remover the side walls to get to the back of the seats you should see the drain hole. the drain hole may be pluged up use a small wire to clean it out put some water in it and look for it to drain I don't use the one under the seat the owner before me

un- hooked the front livewell and mad that a cooler before tracker did.
On my 2003 901, I had to punch a hole through the styrofoam where the drain was supposed to be. And yes, it just drains into the bilge. I wish there was a way to better insulate that cooler, a #20 bag of ice wont even last a whole day. Have a good one, Chris F.
Definitely drains into the bilge.

You're right about ice not lasting long... we resolved it by freezing 8-10 bottles of water (you're gonna need them anyway) and adding our pop/water and a bag of ice to that... kept ice all day long that way, and good cold water to boot!
