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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
First semester is over!!! I just got my grades. I ended with a 3.7 I had all As with the exception of History I had a B.

BTW, I made an A on my algebra final!
Congrats BJ!! That is an accomplishment of which you should be quite proud. Enjoy the holidays - you earned it!! BTW a 3.7 is considerably more than simply "pass" - isn't that Dean's List territory?

"Great Job" BJ Now go out and celebrate and relax before the next semester begins. The next and subsequent semesters only get harder. ;);)
Congrats... I must say that I expected a stellar performance, and I am pleased that you did!

I know it is tough always meeting very high expectations... but you deserve to have those expectations laid on you...
Congratulations!!! I hope you're able to do somethings you want to do personally between semesters.:D