I know these aren't fish

  • Thread starter Mike Grandick [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
I know this isn't fishing related but We have more of these wild ditch parrots than bass.


Man, I would love to be able to get out that way sometime and do some bird hunting! Looks like a good day!

Rich D
It was a pretty slow day then we stopped by the old pheasant factory. A 300 acre plot of CRP. We had a girld from my gym along on her first ever hunt of anykind. She just couldn't figure out how my dogs could find those funny looking birds.

Dude,...that ROCKS!,...I'm going to a Pheasant Ranch in PA over thnxgvg with my brother!!...Absolutely CANNOT wait!!!

Great job!!

Nice birds!!!

makes my mouth water...LOL

about my favorite bird on the table!!!

Mmmmm....mouth-watering is right! My family loves dark meat and traditionally we have served duck for Thanksgiving in lieu of the more standard turkey fare. However, once we decided to try a nice smoked ringneck, there was no turning back.. New family tradition. After less than 30 minutes, that hickory smell fills the house like the inside of a smokehouse. Mmmmm.... Only two weeks to wait!
We only have released birds here Fatrap, and the limit is 2 per person. So by the time you're warmed up, you've limited out. Still, looks like a great day. Gotta love the CRP fields.
Not sure Jeff,...my brother just told me it's 3.5hrs from his house and he lives in "Mohnton" by Valley Forge,...so it could be your BIL's place!! I'll find out the name of the place!!

I'm jealous, I've been out three times this year looking for pheasants and haven't seen a one yet.

As far as I know Natalie isn't married but does have a boyfriend she fishes with. He Dad is buying her a ladies youth model shotgun for Christmas.

Had a great day on quail a week ago and believe it or not woodcock. We used to get some but haven't seen any in years. So far I've seen a dozen or so. Even shot one but the dogs wouldn't retrieve it.

I'd go and visit Rob for grouse next year but I'd probably have to sleep in his outhouse.

Congrats -- Fatrap--

Use to hit western KS every year -- Have not since I had to put down my hunting dogs(best friends).

Great day--

Mac, "Mohnton" is in the Reading area. That's where I work (Reading area, not Mohnton)! Small world...
Mac: You going to check out the new Cabelas store in Hamburg when you are there.. Less than an hour from Mohnton I think.

My mistake Terry,...he lives in Mohnton and works in "King of Prussia"...for Locheed.

Bruce,...we may make a road trip to that store on saturday,..depends if we need to get out of his house for awhile,...there's going to be a LOT of people there but it's a HUUGE house too,..so we may just have to go "get milk" or something!!!..,ahahahhahah....

Okay, let me know. If it's his place I'd like to give him a warning. :) I'll be up there myself that weekend. First, day of deer here is the following Monday.

I'll be in PA the day after Thanksgiving and plan on being at the new Cabelas on Saturday. Look for me if you're there. I've been to the Cabela's stores in Sidney and Kearney and they are an awesome place to shop! There is always some good deals in the Bargain Cave too!

Bob G.
Dude!!..I'm sooooo stoked,...the ranch we're hunting on Friday after Thnxgvg is your brother in laws!!!! That is AWESOME!!!!!.....small world aye??? More later!!..gotta run!!


What is the name of the place? I keep kicking around the idea of trying one of those places.

Rich D

you want me to save you some hatband material or you wanna shoot your own?

I wanna shoot em', eat em', and flat tan the pelts for some projects that my wife does. She actually can incorporate them into wreaths and things that are super neat.

Hey Rich,

Here is a link to his web site. www.warriorsmark.com He hosts the state championship. It's a blast. Big difference when you see well trained dogs work'em. He also has great sporting clays course as well as a 5 stand if you don't like to walk. Of course, I just link to fish on the ponds. Fish are big, just a little skinny. :)

Hey TOXIC, Does you wife sell those Frankenstein-type Christmas Wreaths? I may be interested in hanging some dead parrot skin on my door this holiday season. :)
She hasn't but I'll ask her and maybe post a pic here of what they look like. They are neat!! Better to have a dead ditch parrot than a dead pine or holly tree branch!!LOL!!
