I did it...LOL

  • Thread starter BJ Laster [URL]http://www.wmi.org/bassfish/bassboa
  • Start date
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I just bounced back here to see who posted it... LOL!

Get your bashing hardhat on.

Heck, if I didn't just buy the 896DC...I would have been on that 901 in a heartbeat!!!! I wish it were for sale back in Feb when I bought my nitro! Oh well...love my 896!

I posted my 896 in the boat photo section just to piss off the Nitro bashers... Mine is the only nitro posted on the whole site. I couldn't believe it!

BJ - You should have Told Snow before you posted, he's the ONLY one saying ANYTHING negative about the 901!!! LOL
Wait just a second. I said nothing negative about the 901 other than that Nitro makes it. I was picking on Brian, not BJ :).

How could you pick on me? Heck i really don't mind. I knew you and others would post back on that subject so i did not give any info that could be disputed. I am very unclear of what you are making fun at. Read carefully.

Have fun Mike,

BrYan (notice the 'Y')

I went over there and too a look at the posts this morning, BJ.....

You have now officially earned the title of "Sh## Disturber"!!


Do you think I should tell them that I am probably not buying the boat????

Bash fishing homepage is FUN!!!!

I need to post over there some more..LOL

You have learned well Grasshopper. Now, you must master the art of hit & run... make a post and just disappear until the smoke settles :)
WOW! Just went back there again..... What a hornet's nest that thread is!
LOL!! I saw that!

I woulda rather you just "flamed 'em"!

"TOXIC Flames; Secret Weapon of the NTOWS!!"
