I caught a big one last night!

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Tim Jeffers

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
I was fishing a weed line last night, doing quite well with a Senko (5 largemouth, 1 smallmouth - all 13" to 15").

It was getting dark, so I decided to make one final cast before heading back to the ramp.

I threw the Senko out there, and on the initial "fall", I felt the "tap" on the lure. I reeled in the slack, and set the hook - HARD. I was decidedly unprepared for the resistance I got - almost lost my grip on the rod. I fought the fish for a couple of minutes before catching a glimpse of bronze just below the surface of the water. At that point I'm unbelievably excited, 'cause I'm thinking I have a smallie hooked, and a REAL big one, at that.

Turns out it was just a bowfin. Funny thing was, that as I was trying to remove the hook from its mouth with a needlenose pliers, it gave one last violent shake and fell into the water, leaving me with HALF a hook. It actually broke the hook right in half - just to add insult to injury, I guess.

BTW, it was a 3/0 EWG Gamakatsu!

Talk about an ugly fish...ALMOST as ugly as an alligator gar.
May be ugly but they sure be fun to catch. Caught one my last tournament last weekend.
I've caught them before, but I'm surprised at how much fight they have in 'em every time.

We have them all over here in the south and they will flat destroy a spinnerbait, fun to catch though.
I want to catch a bowfin, but I've heard that they are very prone to remove skin from you if you get too close. I'm not sure until I see one in person whether I'll be trying to remove the hook or just give it to him as a reminder of our meeting.
I would guess that the needlenose either broke and/or cut the hook when the bowfin shook. I've never even had a gammie straighten but I have bent them trying to get them dislodged.

I can tell you Snow,they are bad news!!

I caught a big one on a crankbait.Netted him and got him in the boat.Some how it had the whole crankbait in it's mouth without cutting the line.

I sure wasn't losing a $5.00 crankbait,but that thing would not open it's mouth!!!You could hear the teeth grinding as I tried to wedge my pliers into its mouth.

Once I finally pried it open a little,we used the net handle to pry it open enough so that I coulg get my lure back.

The teeth didn't seem very sharp,but it's mouth sure was packed with them!!!!!

If it is a cheaper lure,I'm just cutting the line next time.......LOL

Luckily Rob and Marke ware talking about them about a week earlier.I had never caught one before and my partner was reaching into the net to grab it when I remembered what they said about them.

I would have hated to see him try to lip it!!!!!!!!!