Husbands, Watch Out For The Mood Ring

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Sam Elkins

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
My husband bought me a mood ring the other day . . . When I'm in a good mood

it turns green . . . When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a red mark on his

Mine just has "The Look" if that doesn't work she brings out "The Sigh" then I know my goose is cooked.

My wife works in a Middle School. Do you remember the tones

and the timing of questions they would ask???

I just hate it when my wife uses "the Tone" on me. I still can't do things the way she wants, when that happens the "tone" comes out.

So I try to be a good boy...... :>)
After 35yrs - I wear my wife's "mood" ring in my nose. with a rope through it. It's hard to figure out females.

Some days I can do not wrong--others I can do not right.

Maybe if I dressed like them---I could get intouch with my inner self to help understand?? Na I would have to shave..

I betterbe careful with this one, "someone's" looking over my shoulder here, my wife's never in a bad mood, never has a bad day, always smiling, always ........ ok, she's gone, where were we?
HaleDamage's post reminded me of a story...

One day while fishing, a man pulled in a lamp. Upon rubbing the lmap, the requisite genie appeared and offered the man any wish he chose for releasing him. After pondering the possibilities the man replied, "Well ya know, I just LOVE Hawaii! Living in S. Cal., I mean, well, I'm close, but I'm afraid to fly. My wish is for a bridge to span from my home here in CA to Hawaii!" The genie looked shocked and said, "My gawd man! I mean, the logistics alone! Think of the ocean depths! Think of those Pacific storms! WHy, the amount of macadam ALONE would make that a nearly impossible task! Don't you want something more 'creative'? You know, like some kinda POWER or something? The 'ability to see thru walls' or, or, maybe to fly, or something like that?!?!" The man thought for a moment, then replied, "Ok, fine. I wanna be able to understand women." "Understand WOMEN?" the genie asked. "Yes" the man said. "You know, how they think, why they think the way they do, why they cry one minue and laugh the next; why they do the things they do. Yup, that's my wish". The genie thought deeply for a few minutes, then asked, "So, um, how many LANES you want on that bridge?"

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