How to sell....

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Bill Kish2

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Help me work out the details here. (As I wait for this computer I am working on to finish rebooting).

I want to buy a Ranger. However it will need to be ordered. So how do people do this. Do they sell their current rig first or order the new boat and sell the current boat when the new boat arrives.

I am just confused.

If you're that confused, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you...
Bill, that's a question which can only be answered by your finances.

If you can afford to own two boats at once, you can proceed in any order you like.

If you can't afford to own two boats at once, you can:

a) Trade your old boat on your new boat.


b) Wait to order your new boat until you've sold your old boat.


c) Start selling your old boat after placing the order for your new boat, and realize that if the old boat doesn't sell after some time, you need to start lowering the price until it does sell, even if you have to lower it a lot to get it gone by the time the new boat arrives.

Prudent financial planning would be to make sure your old boat will be sold before your new boat arrives.

Even better financial planning would be to keep your existing boat. Every time you buy a new boat, you take a substantial financial hit from the depreciation.

I don't know what you don't like about your 929, but I doubt a Ranger catches fish any better.

(ducking and running for cover now)
The only way to ensure you can sell your old one in a timely manner is to sell it first.

Some people have GREAT luck selling used boats. I didn't.
I was just at BPS in Springfield three weeks ago and looked long and hard at the 929 models. they're beautiful! Don't get me wrong if JR wants to sell me his Ranger 620 cheap or trade for my 170 DC straight across I wouldn't turn him down but I don't see anything about the Ranger that I liked better than the two 929's I seen there.


Rich -

Thanks for the advice. Here is what happened.

The bow roller on my 929 failed and ended up cutting a gouge in the fiberglass about the size of a pack of wooden matches. I am just VERY depressed that this has happened to my new 40K boat. So when I posted I was pissed.

I called a friend that works with Fiberglass and he came over to take a look at things. I have been promised that it can be fixed up better than new. So he now has my boat and the repairs will commence on Monday.

Sometimes things are not as they appear. I think if Tracker could put the 929 on a better trailer, they would have a lot more happy customers. I personally hate the trailer my boat is on. Two welds have already broke loose and several areas have rock chips. Not sure what kinda paint they use on the trailers but man its junk.

I actually stopped and looked at the Stratus line of boats and was not impressed. Yes, the trailers were NICER, but as for the boat, my 929 was nicer.

Thanks again.

Screw that. If your bow roller failed and caused the damage, make Nitro fix it. Of course, the warranty probably says something about how power loading isn't a proper loading method or some such jibberish.
Well I am a pretty honest guy. Two things happened. 1st I think I powered loaded way to hard on tuesday. I noticed a small nick in the fiberglass. AT THAT POINT I should have inspected the roller. I did not.

Today when we loaded the boat on the trailer. I had the trailer to far back in the water and we ended up jamming the bow eye hard into the roller and this is when (I think) all the damage happened. When I pulled the trailer out of the water the boat slipped back and I stopped and got out to look. As I was hand cranking the boat up I then noticed how screwed the roller was and how badly damaged the boat was. Live and learn!

I should have gotten the bow roller fixed when I knew it was fubarded. I did not, so I would have a hard time sticking tracker with the bill for my stupidity.

Bill, it's good to take responsibility for your own mistakes.

Enjoy your 929. A few good fish and you'll forget about the dented glass.
Rich -

Thanks and your right. Just need to put a few good fish in the boat.

Look at the bow plate thing that goes in the area that the bow roller hits. At a couple of ramps I go it I have a heck of a time getting the boat to the top and this plate helps keep me from dinging my fiberglass in that area.
