How not to jumpstart your boat

  • Thread starter Bud Martz [URL]
  • Start date
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Wow, now thats funny. i wonder is he siezed it up or not?
What I think is funnier is that the person with the camera knew the guy was making a potentially serious and costly mistake, and instead decided it was "funnier" to film it instead of offering assistance...

I really don't think it was that funny, the guy obviously had a "plan" to deal with his problem...bad plan, yes...funny? no.
You just can't help some people.

Reminds me of the following:

If overweight, you can go on a diet.

If ugly, you can get plastic surgery.

If unschooled (or under educated), you can gain more education.

Stupid lasts forever. No known cure.

I was told once that ANYBODY can buy a boat. Money not Intelligence is the determining factor


That was as bad as watching people put there boat in the water with no plug in the boat
I can't get this to open. It downloads for awhile then all I get is white screen. What format is it in?

Sooner, Right mouse click the link and select "Save Target As" and save the file to your hard drive. You will need Quick Time to view the movie. It's worth it.

Wow, I hope he wasn't expecting to make an insurance claim. I doubt the boat made it home since he didn't bother to lock the cupler down on the ball.

Cass :)
did you notice the hitch wasnt locked either?

that motor is tast as soon as the cold water hits the block.

sometimes its better to let the uneducated learn through will run him round $2g to fix his screwup..

some people shouldnt own boats! he is one of them!!!
WHAT A MO-RON. Doesn't it make you feel good knowing that on any weekend the lake is full of those guys. :>0

BTW the link open without a problem that time. Sometimes you just have to hold your mouth right.

Poor fellow, he has to be new to boating. I would say that he would be done with the boating seen if that motor is fried. Being in such of a hurry with good cause, at least he did hook up his safty chains. It would have been nice if somebody would have "HELPED" him with his dilemma. I would have laught if it was one of those jet skis.
I am not able to see this as the computer I am on does not have quicktime...........

Slounds like a good one!!!
You gotta figure the guy taping this is USED to seeing idiots at the ramp and tapes them all from the way he shot this! I still don't understand why we don't MANDATE a boating license? Any moron with enough CASH can buy a 60-90mph boat and put all of us in jeopardy on the water! And this from a guy who HATES Big governement!!! LOL
Trep, I've often wondered that same thing about children.

Harpo - Don't get this libertarian started on the heated discussion about who SHOULD be allowed to procreate!!! LOL

If you can't afford to support your family, DON'T!!

I just remember the day my wife and I took our daughter home, neither one of us could believe that it was legal to posess such a beautiful and fragile thing and be as ignorant as we were about babies. But we figured it out....somehow.
