How much did you get?

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Bill Brooks

Active Member
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
We got about 3 inches of snow here in Frederick MD. and maybe a 1/4 inch of ice ? How about everyone else?
4". maybe 5" but thats nothing around here. I haven't seen the pavement of our back country road since mid december.
Seven inches. The drift against my garage door this morning was too deep to drive through. Had to shovel a long double-car driveway.
Hey Mark,

That's why we "up-north folks" own snowblowers.... Glad to see Mother Nature playing with you southern folks now and then....

How is the family?

About halfway through this little operation, my mind asked, "And WHY would owning a slowblower be such a ridiculous idea for someone in St. Louis?" But I kept shoveling. As I drove out of my subdivision I saw two people with snowblowers. Now, both of them were about as big as my wife's blowdryer, and one was ELECTRIC (how can extension cords and frozen water be a good thing?), but my mind said, "And WHY again would owning a snowblower be such a ridiculouis idea for someone living in St. Louis?"

I'm getting soft. I had to shovel stuff up to my knees when I lived in Nebraska, only to have the d@*n wind blow it back over the driveway again ten minutes later.

The family is good. Got an eighteen week ultrasound. Nine inches, eleven point six ounces. Everything was where it should be. The child even has a brain. I told the sonographer to give me a picture of it show I could show it to the boy/girl at age ten, twelve or fourteen and say, "See???? You DO have one! Let's start using it." :lol:

I'll upload the cutest one into my library. It's a profile of the head and the button nose is really adorable. :wub:

The missuz isn't so sick or tired anymore. But I'm sure she'll get sick and tired of being pregnant in a few more weeks. :D

Thanks for asking.
Oh, what the heck....I'm a proud papa.

Eighteen Week Profile - Head_sm.jpg
Wow.... Way cool... I am so thrilled for you guys!
Tuesday, 4-6 inches of snow. Shoveled a long double car wide driveway. Tuesday night, 1-2 iches of ice. Wednesday morning, 4-6 more inches of snow. Shoveled again.

At least I can play in the boat, it's in the garage with wife's new SUV. My truck is outside with 2 inches of solid ice covering it. Saturday, I get to go to my part-time (I retired 3 years ago) job (Bass Pro fishing dept.), and help alleviate the 'cabin fever'.

I need spring!!
12 Inches here In Indiana. MO Amazing.....Congrats
Hmmm.....Looks like a nice one just below the rockpile in about 20 feet:lol::lol: Might have been clearer with a Hummingbird SI unit!!:lol::lol:

Way cool Mo.

We got ICE, lots and lots of ICE!!:angry:

Well Mo,.....that's the first time I can honestly say, that's NOT Mini's chit!! LMAO!!


We ended up with ~5" here in Mass followed up by a lot of rain. There was a lot of flooding in the roads yesterday and now everything is all iced up. My commute into Boston this morning was a disaster to say the least.

Mo, Congrats!!!!!
Nothing down here in Hotlanta, was 65 degrees yesterday.

GREAT picture Mo and we are all so excited for ya!!

Oh and I can't talk for the next 4-5 days, had a follow up reconstruction on my jaw yesterday AM, so my Mrs is VERY happy!!! LOL


Glad to hear confirmation that Mini hasn't chit-ted anywhere near my wife! :lol:

I'd couldn't imagine what it would be like not to talk for four or five days. How on earth would I answer all the quetions: "Do I look fat? (No.)...Am I showing? (No.)...Should I get rid of these pants that don't fit? (Yes.)..." ;)
Wouldn't that be hilarious? I'd look like a bobble-head! Nod, shake, nod, nod, shake, nod...
Definately not my chit!!!!


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