Hotter than.....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
It's hotter than STINK out there?

Let's hear em':lol:

It's hotter than..........
You're not kidding. I've been outside most of the day and still have a couple of hours to go. But, I'm looking at the bright side, this cool compared to what the next couple of days are going to be like here.

it's hotter than when "fat aunt jenny got the heatin pad stuck under a fat roll.":lol::lol::lol:
1) If hell is any hotter than this.... I ain't goin'!

2) I can't keep corn in my deer feeder these days. Every time I do, this happens:


All the best,

It's so HOT I saw two trees fighting over a dog :lol:

Hotter than a two peckered billy goat!

Hotter than a whore house in Vegas!
Glenn that is priceless! 101 here in Maryland yesterday! I know, I know, but we ain't used to it!

Temp update: 106F at 1:10p.m. today! Heat index of 119F. I worked at Fort Irwin, CA (on the edge of Death Valley)for a few of weeks a couple of years ago and it was 120F or more everyday while I was there, but it didn't feel this hot due to the lower humidity. Help me I'm melting........

Just to even out the score, here in NSW Australia, it's mid winter and we have just had our wettest July on record! I'll send you guys over a bucket or 2 to cool down!
It's so hot upi here that the Devil called and want's his weather back.


Accross the river in Moorhead, MN, they were honored to be the 'hottest place on the planet' for a little while when considering the heat index.

BETTER than the cold that's a commin!!!!!! I'll take this 120 anyday over -10 In the winter and the snow...Old bones won't move In the winter..I just put the top down and cruse...HA HA:)