HOO RAY for Mac

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Jon Puhalski

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2000
Reaction score
Winsted, CT
Mac is the feature story at Bassfan.com AWESOME DUDE!!!!!

Ride that wave for everything its got baby!

I had a good feeling that this is where you were headed.

Take us to the next level dude !!!

Thanks Jon,....it's going to be an interesting ride over the next few years...that's for sure!! Appreciate your support!! BTW,..everyone will be able to buy the S&T merchandise on-line via our site by the end of this month too!! That'll be COOL!!! I'll keep everyone posted!!

Buy? At least there will be a NTOWS discount...right?LOL

Go Mackelroy, it's yo birfday! Way to go big Mac, front and center on Bassfan.com! Good thing it was you and not Mini, that would have crashed the site! LOL
a Scales and Tales movie?...hey, are we in it dad? remember I'm the one with the beard

Congrats again, Mac, great exposure...next, the Letterman show?

...and the number one reason to go fishin'...to meet Rosie!
hahhaa....dude,..I've been trying to hook up with Rosie for years!!! She is the utimate tease,...a reel "playa"..LOL

Wouldn't a movie be cool?!....at this point I've stopped saying, "what if?!"....now it's,.."when?!"...LOL

gotta run,...off to a meeting across town! Seeya!!


Saw the article on Bassfan. Very good news for you, your family, and your efforts. Not bad on the talent side - either!

Expecting to see one of your characters in a cowboy hat along the way. I bet you could do lot's of very interesting toon's with him.

As always, best wishes for continued success.


Dude...you rock.

I know Mini will always be your towel boy, but can I be your towel-washer boy?!?

Remember that song Mini and I were singing for ya down in Arkansas....

"I wanna be a towel-boy bay-beeeee...."
"I wanna be a towel-boy, bay-beeeee

rigging rods all nite so Mac can fish all day

Towel-boy bay-beeeee

Mac can smell a fish from a mile awaaaaayyyy"
...like the livewell in my boat right now!!...My wife just read me the riot act 'cuz "HER" garage reeks!!! LOL!!


Can I clean your shoes...or sumptin...?

Awesome, Mac is my Hero....

Kool Mac, It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy!

OH , Ken I hope your not thinking of a singing career buddy.lol