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Bill Johnson

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Since you're a guide with nuthing to do in the "dead of winter" and Fla ain't out of driving distance for you, a few of us just decided to head to Fla THIS WEEKEND for a little get together....Now I know you lurk over there and you know what's going on... So shall we say 2pm at my house???.... Then you can follow us down or ride with us!... I promise it'll be one for the "books"!!!!.lol...

Oh and anyone else that would care to join us just reply here and I'll fill ya in!!!....

Balls in your court Tox!!! Let's not hear any sob stories or long drawn out excuses!
Oh and for the record..... There will be no Fart lighting on this trip!!!
I do believe you already know the way there Mr Marine!!!....Just grab Tox and let's dew it!!...
I wish.....I am flying down next week to Tuna fish out of St. Augustine. Waaaaay to close for a kitchen pass for both trips. Don't think I didn't consider it though!!LOL!!! I suppose you are gonna tell me it is your Birthday or something!!

Well just by Coincidence it is!!!......lol....And here everybody told me you wore the pants in yer family!!....LOL....
You mis-understood...

He BURNS the pants in his family...


LMAO!!!!......Looks like it "FLAME" Toxic day!!!...Pun intended!!
Do you know what days you will be in FL, how far into the state you want to drag the boats? I live next to and have access to a nice lake that has no public access, and little fishing pressure. Only ~10% of the 1400 acre lake has homes on it. Mostly just natural shoreline. I was thinking of offering to host a rally there but hadn't offered it yet, didn't know cabin fever had already hit you all this early!! I have to travel this Saturday, making only Sunday a fishing day for me. If that works, or if you want to delay a week (or some other time), I can host the rally in central FL, near Orlando.
I can do this any time, doesn't have to be this weekend. My only fear is that I get all you pros on the lake and find out how little I know about bass fishing! I've really been concentrating just learning the techniques. I can say that I've never been skunked on this lake and the best I've done was about 18 bass in 1.5 hours, and that was not from finding a school. As always, it varies considerably. I've had slow days too. I've not caught any real huge fish yet, but then again, it's only been about 6 weeks that I've had a the boat.

How many of you are either in FL or within reasonable driving distance? How many days would be best to shoot for? Just Saturday, or Friday through Sunday? I'm the newbie here.

I thought abough flying down early, fishing with wild William and staying with my friend in JAX till the tuna trip.....Now if it was a "Work" trip.....hmmmmmmmm, you see dear it is a sponsor thing.....yeah, that's it my sponsor is MAKING me go!!LOL

It won't work!!LOLOLOL

Hey Tox,

Your sponsor says "Get yourself to AP in February!"

No, I'm not paying for you too.

There, it is official.

Jim C Thanks for the invite and by the way, I am BY NO MEANS a pro...lol....But me and a whole bunch on friends her ein Charleston just made a spur of the moment decision to head to Fla this weekend to fish the St. John's!...Troy and Jim, we'll be staying at a place called Anglers Paradise that's close to Lake George. If you're in the area come over and visit with us... We'll be getting there around dark on Friday and staying till Monday morning!....

Toxic You heard the boss(Sue D.)!!! You better get there in Feb for the big Rally.... This one this weekend is just a little mini Rally...But I still think you should extinguish yer pants and get here....lol....
I heard toxics theme song again the other day...

"I wear the pants around here, as soon as I finish with your laundry..."

Maybe I'll even let you use that purty rod you like so much. But only in Florida...LOL!


Toxic gets to use his "stick" in Fla!!!....


Dang Toxic it looks like yer not even allowed to wear da pants here either!!! DOH!!!!
Yer killin me......Sue, you know you'll pay for this!!LOL

2 Sponsors gangin up on me just ain't fair I tell ya!! When I do meet up with you 2 there's gonna be some H#ll to pay!! I gaaarrrrruuuuunnnntttteeee!!

Well I'm Skeeered!!!..... How bout you Sue??....LMAO!!!...

Oh an make sure you bring the right apparell to the Rally including that Kilt/Skirt/Coulot combo I saw you in!!...

You ain't gotta Chance Toxic..... You better just raise the White skivvy flag now!!! It won't be as bad if you admit defeet now!!! lmao!!
I'm skeered just thinkin about Toxic raising his holey burnt tighty whiteys in surrender LMAO!!!

Bring it on Tox!
This ain't fair.......(I'm gonna start whining now), like I don't have enough to deal with just keeping the MVM in line. I'm suprized the Lilly story hasn't come out yet.


I'm waitin on a story..........should I make a special request?
