I know in the past folks have asked me about fishing the jig n pig and I was going to try to do a video and then try to circulate it around the country to whoever wanted to see it. Well, I was thinkin' see, ya I know....dangerous! I have a buddy that could help out on this end. If I was able to make a video and convert it to electronic form, then somehow get it to you (can e-mail handle that much?) is there a way we could make it available here via your or my library for folks to download and watch? I would edit it to what ever you think is best, but would probably need at least 10 real time minutes to convey the bulk of core info. I thought about it, and the camcorder tape I use (8mm) won't play in people's VCR's. I could try converting it to VCR, but then we'd have to mail it around. This way, everyone could access it at any time and not have to wait a turn.
Let me know what you think.
Let me know what you think.